Guys, this is not funny (Halloween special)

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The amount of foreshadowing I did in the Hide and Seek part for this...

Warning: slight smut (handjob)
The room was pitch black where Simon was in. He yawned, slowly opening his eyes, ready to get blinded by the morning light. But that did not happen. Although the shutters were wide open, it was dark outside, almost as if it was midnight.

"The hell?" The blonde murmured looking around for Josh, who was supposed to be laying next to him, since he was pretty sure that they'd gone to bed together the day before.

This happened twice a month now and it just didn't feel right.

Observing his surroundings he noticed that he was not in his room, not in Josh's either.

After he'd given up on searching for his phone, he got up and changed into his superhero suit, using his favourite power, just in case he was in unknown territory and he had to hide his face.

He pressed his earpiece, in an attempt to talk to Josh directly.
"Joshy." He said with a smile in his voice, just to get no answer.

The line was dead.

"Fuck sakes..." He sighed shaking his head.

Quietly exiting the room he found out that he was in one of their hideouts that they'd bought a long time ago. Their first one to be exact. It was not in a seperated area at all like the others, meaning that anyone could see when somebody left or arrived at the place. Eventually realising their mistake, they bought another one, however they kept this too.

Back to the story, Simon looked around in almost all of the rooms, occasionly calling out Josh's name. The interesting thing was that all the doors were closed of those rooms where he'd checked, apart from the last one.

As he pushed the wooden thing slightly, it creaked loudly sending shivers down his spine. The room was even darker than the one he'd woken up in. The window, which was facing the street down below had been smashed in by a small object. Bending down Simon noticed a tiny rock laying on the floor. He picked it up to inspect it carefully.

'7 days' was written on it in red. Simon shook his head already thinking that this must've been a prank, since who else would use such a movie cliché to scare him other than his own friends.

Putting the rock down, he looked under the bed, even opened the wardrobe to see if anyone was hiding there.

The room was empty. He decided to walk up to the mirror as he'd seen something written on it.

"Don't turn around." He read it out loud, then raised an eyebrow and turned around.

Just like he'd expected there was no one there. I mean how would anyone be there without a reflection, unless they were a vampire. But Simon knew that they didn't exist.

Walking out to the hallway a dark figure walked past him. It was so sudden he didn't have time to call out somebody's name, or to tell them to wait. It just disappeared.

"Tobi?" He looked around in the living-room, since the figure had gone that way, guessing that a it could've been his friend, because of their height.

They were nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck this." He thought opening the kitchen's window and climbing out.

He flew out with ease taking a bearing to their house.

Simon still didn't know what the time was. He didn't have a watch, nor his phone on him, where he could've checked it. This frustrated him even more than the fact that he just woke up somewhere else than he'd remembered. It could've been the same night when he'd fallen asleep or the next one. He didn't know and it made him mad.

We fly together ( Sidemen Superhero AU /Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now