The lil Stowaway's Proluge

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Shay lingered in the doorway as he watched his only daughter sleep. He was amazed that a seven-year-old was able to infiltrate his ship without to being caught. He always knew Catherine was a clever child, more cleaver then he gave credit too. The Sea Captain didn't know how he was going to explain his delay to Master Kenway, or about why he had a young child accompanying him. Before he left, Shay pressed his lips on his snoozing daughter's forehead. He shut the door behind him as he walked across deck where Gist was waiting for him.

"How is our lil stowaway?" Gist chuckled

Shay scratched the back of his neck, "Asleep, I dunno how I am going to explain to her mother that she slipped onto the Morrigan? I am going have to schedule her transportation back to Boston once we arrive in New York."

Gist nods, "Why not bring her along?"

"Are you mad? She's a child,"

"I mean educate her about the Order?"

Shay shook his head, "I will leave that to her decision when she's soon as I found that blasted box then I can guide her."

Gist nodded, "Aye....well, I don't think anyone would mind if you show up with a child....Lee might get his knickers in a twist, but the grandmaster should be understanding." Gist looked behind Shay and cleared his throat with a smile. "Someone is up again."

"Papa?" Catherine's soft voice was heard behind him.

Shay had to blink twice before he could register that once again a seven-year-old caught him off by surprise...again.

Shay turned around, "Cathy...Lass, you should be in bed." He picked her up with a quick scoop

She rubbed her sleepy eyes before laying her head on his shoulder. Her curls gently brushed against his shaven cheek "I couldn't sleep."

Shay let a faint smile spread his lips, "Of course," He thought of an idea to hope to get the child to calm down. "Come with me,"

He walked up the steps and around to take the wheel from a sailor that had taken the night shift. The crew of the Morrigan was sailing through the night to get to New York. The sailor gave a short and quick nod before departing down below.

He set the little girl down on the wooden deck. He kicked a wooden crate over to be a makeshift step stool for the child, so she could take control of the wheel. Shay made sure to have a tighter grip on the wheel knowing very well that she didn't have the strength to stir the ship.

"Now, my lovely lass," he smiled, "the ship is yours to command....we are at half-sail where our speed is cut in half. Give it command to full sail for full speed."

"Is this the fastest ship in the Atlantic papa?" She almost squeaked, her brown eyes shined with wonder.

He smiled, "Yes my love," a thought pounder in his mind for a moment, the idea of Catherine one day piloting her own ship.

"Full sail!" She squeaked loud enough to be heard past the waves.

There were a couple sailors that had a look of confusion when they heard the small voice, but soon chuckled when they saw the captain's daughter. Shay could hear the comments of calling her mini Cormac, or small captain.

Shay looked down at his precious daughter, who chuckled when the wind and sea air hit her face. It stung his heart to know that he would have to leave behind his girl once again, but it was all worth it for the greater good. He was going to make sure she got a safe future and the childhood she deserved.

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