Chapter 3

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As Merlin made his way up the wide stone steps with the first years, who were looking at him strangely, he wondered which house he was going to be in this time. Over the years, he had of course had a go in each house just to see what it was like, but he wasn't sure which he would choose this time.

Merlin was distracted from his thoughts when the group of first years came to a stop before an overly large, heavy oak door with metalwork designs stretching from its hinges in swirling, vine like patterns. An old witch with her hair pulled back into what looked like a painfully tight no-nonsense bun and long robes stood with her hands loosely crossed before her as she waited for quiet. Then, much like every other time Merlin had come back here, she began to explain the sorting ceremony and the traits of each house.

Once that was done, she waved her wand and the doors began to swing open, allowing the group to follow the professor into the hall full of students. Merlin looked up and smiled. The ceiling had not lost its charm no matter how many times he viewed it. He had helped Rowena make it reflect the night sky, but what most would not notice is that the stars were in the wrong places. This sky was the one Merlin would see at night nearly two thousand years ago, free from the influence of time and modern-day pollution.

Turning his attention back to the hall, he looked to the side and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron looking at the passing first years. He gave a little wave to them and they smiled back at him in greeting, Ron giving him a thumbs up while Hermione mouthed a 'good luck'.

He was reminded of Gwen for a moment, how she would do the same thing when he and Arthur rode out on some hunt or another. He shook the thought away before it could bring him grief, he had more important things to think about.

They reach the end of the isle, where a small four-legged stool sat with an old pointed hat resting innocently on the seat. The hat had been Godric's, and Merlin was honestly surprised every time he saw it that it had not fallen to pieces, even with the magic preserving it. Then a seam opened and the hat began to sing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

You never know what you might discover

Hidden underneath,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

"I tell you now a story you all should know,

That once long ago,

In a time of magic and swords and song,

A boy of no great import,

Not much older than yourself,

Came to the great city of Camelot,

To protect the Once and Future King.

"The warlock came and went as times past,

The first born with magic,

In a time where it was scarce and fast to hide,

He learned his craft as you will soon,

And he became the greatest our world has ever known.

So don't you forget,

That even the great need time to learn and grow.

"Now I'll look inside your head and see where you fit,

There's nothing hidden that I can't see.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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