chance and Tessa Dm

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T-chance what the hell if you didn't like me why did you lead me on
C-look Tessa I really did like you but I just don't feel that spark like I used to
T-again you still could have told me,but instead you cheated on me even though you know this has happens to me before (Tessa's ex cheated on her)
C-I'm sorry I know you trusted me with your heart and I let you down but I can't be in a relationship if I don't like the person
T-wow chance you just showed your true colors don't ever talk to me again
C-Tessa we still live in the same house can we at least be friends
T-how can I be friends with someone who didn't care about my feelings
C-I did care about your feelings Tessa I'm sorry
T-you know what chance you made me think that maybe not all guys are not the same after all but I thought wrong they are exactly the same
C-there are some good guys out there but I'm just not one of them
T-your right your not bye chance

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