Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 32 (All Men Are Pigs)

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I pulled out of Tatum's gravel and red dirt drive and made it to Leila's in four minutes. Less than I thought.

That door was already slightly ajar so I took the liberty into my own hands and pushed it fully open, "Hello?"

When I walked into her family room, I could faintly hear sobbing. I walked into her bedroom and found her laying on her side with her face buried into her pillow.

I sat on the edge of the bed and she lifted her body, eyes bloodshot from crying. She enveloped me into a hug, "Gosh Leila what happened!?"

She just sobbed harder as she clung to me for support for a few minutes. She jumped back a bit when my phone abruptly rang. I knew it was Tatum and so I answered it, "It's Tatum. He worried about you." I say before picking up.


"How is she?" He asked, concern flowing from the speaker.

"I don't know yet. I'll call you later though okay?"

"Alright." I quickly ended the call and threw it next to me on Leila's bed. She wiped her eyes and finally calmed down.

"Are you okay?"

Leila shook her head wrapping her arms across her chest, "No. Promise me you won't tell anyone about what I tell you..."

"Don't worry Lails, you have my word."

She took in a deep breath, a silent tear dripping down her cheek, "I lost my virginity a month ago to Jeremy... And I started feeling kinda queezy and nauseous then I realized I was late on my period. So...-" she took in a sharp, hesitant breath. I rubbed her forearm, "So, I took a pregnancy just on a whim thinking that it couldn't be possible but it is.."

"You're pregnant...?" I said just above an audible whisper.

Leila let some more tears flow as I took in what she said. "Yes... I'm seventeen and pregnant. I didn't think it could get worse until I told Jeremy. After that, he broke up with me." Poor Leila was in hysterics again, "I should have know! I should have fucking known that he only was with me to get in my pants!"

I am at loss for words.. That's only happened to me twice before.

First, when my parents told me we were moving.

And second, when Tatum told me he loved me.

This is the third time. And with Leila's current situation, it makes me lose faith in men. Does Tatum really love me?

I started questioning our relationship once again replaying Tatum's words, I would never hurt you.

But can I trust that?

I cried along with her, I'm not sure why. Maybe just because I felt sorry for her, or maybe it was because I might be dating a user. Someone who wants to get in your pants and leave. Or someone who is just a coward.

The fact that Jeremy contributed to Leila's pregnancy an he's leaving her alone in the dust. At least man up and have some balls...

I was furious. I really want to just find him and chop off his nuts and tell him what failure of a person he is.

"I'm so sorry Leila!" I paused thinking of what I wanted to say next, "I want to take it to the next step with Tatum but I'm scared."

She grabbed a tight hold of my wrists and looked me square in the eye, "Don't! All men are pigs." She seethed.

I began to rip the tips of my nails off with my teeth, unsure.

"How you seen a doctor yet?"

She smacked her head into the palm of her hands, "Oh my god, I've been drinking! What have I done!?"

Mr.Cowboy's Kinda BadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang