Chapter 1

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"Miss Hope, you honestly can't want more extra credit." My math teacher Mrs. Simm says. "I've given you plenty already and still your grade needs work."

I stand in front of her desk, my arms crossed. "But I need it! I can't have this grade on my record!"

"Well I'm afraid the only other option is tutoring." She says, shuffling papers on her desk.

I briefly consider my busy week and quickly push aside that option. I'm slowly getting fed up. I skipped my lunch period and came to her class for extra credit. After all, I am student body president at my school and I can't be failing math. I lean on her desk a little and look at her sideways. "Are you sure?" I ask.

For a moment Mrs. Simm looks dazed, then she slowly turns to her computer. When she speaks her voice sounds light and relaxed. "I suppose you do work very hard and put forth the effort and I've never had any problems with you in class..."

I can see it in her eyes ,in the way she goes to change my grade on the computer. I've always been very persuasive. I don't really know why. I've persuaded people before, always in private. I don't know why, just something about my ability to persuade is kind of unsettling.

With that I leave her room.

I'm walking down the hall when someone taps my shoulder. I turn, expecting a teacher or student. Instead there are two professional-looking men. "Miss Hope," One of them says. "We are here to offer you a great educational opportunity. We are aware of you behavior both in and out if the classroom. We are offering you a chance to go to Electracademy, a fine boarding school for the gifted. This is a rare chance indeed and if you go through with it everything will be covered, books, tuition, boarding all of it."

My high school is not an average school but it's still not a place where kids get offered a scholarship in the middle of the hall.
The man sees me pondering the decision. "We understand that this is sudden. We will give you time to decide." He says handing me a pamphlet and buisness card.The phone number is not local. Suddenly the bell for my next class rings causing me to shove the pamphlet in my pocket.

Later on, I sit on my bedspread and stare at the pamphlet in my hand. The cover shows a student in a massive hallway like something from a movie. It's a pamphlet for Electracademy the school they were talking about. By now I have read it about eight times. It's a pretty serious boarding school. My current high school is in rural New York and I think I like this school. I have lots of friends where I am and I am student council president of the 10th grade. If I go to Electracademy I will have to start over and leave my family. But the campus of this place looks amazing! I have decided.
I will go.

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