Part 46 An unexpected arrival

Start from the beginning

Yeah that's me and you better not try anything funny. Eric Said

Don't worry I won't. Tony Said

Abby walked up to Tony and looked him over.

You seem fine to me nice to meet you. Abby Said

It's nice to meet you too. Tony Said

Tony looked behind Eric to see Rose hiding behind Eric.

Hey my name's Tony. Tony Said

M..My name's Rose It's nice to meet you mister. Rose Said

Greg walked up to Tony and Tony's eyes went wide.

Holy crap what are you ? Tony Asked Greg

Greg glared at Tony.

Hey don't be rude. Greg Said

Sorry. Tony Said

Greg sighed.

I'm a feliona but most people just call are species cat people. Greg Said

It's nice to meet you Greg. Tony Said

Likewise. Greg Said

Tony looked around. 

didn't you say there would be another one of you friends ? Tony Asked Gwen

Gwen's eyes went wide.

Yeah where Is Ellen ? Gwen Asked Everyone

Everyone looked nervous and Eric walked up to Gwen.

Gwen I have something I have to tell you. Eric Said

Gwen looked worried.

What happened to Ellen ? Gwen Asked Eric

She went Insane and we had to leave her on a planet after she tried to kill everyone but me. Eric Said

Gwen's eyes went wide.

Why did you do that I could have helped her, Gwen Said Angrily

Gwen you don't understand he was going to kill us. Eric Said

Gwen started to cry.

No you don't understand  I loved her and you just left her on some random fucking planet to die. Gwen Said

Well then maybe we should have left her on our ship to kill us then. Eric Said Angrily 

Maybe you should have. Gwen Said

Gwen walked Into the back yard and sat against the wall. 

Well that went well. Greg Said sarcastically

Shut up Greg. Abby Said

Greg glared at Abby and got up and walked away and Rose followed him Into the kitchen.

So was that Gwen ? Clara Asked Eric

Yep that was her. Eric Said

She seems a bit ticked off. Clara Said

It's a long story. Eric Said

You'll have to tell me sometime son. Clara Said

After an hour Eric walked outside and sat down next to Gwen.

What do you want ? Gwen Asked Eric

I'm sorry about Ellen. Eric Said

Gwen sighed and looked at Eric.

I guess I wasn't your fault I'm just frustrated Is all. Gwen Said

I think we all are. Eric Said

So after we take care of lord Varin well you help me find Ellen ? Gwen asked Eric

Eric smiled.

I promise I will. Eric Said

Gwen and Eric looked up at the mood.

Earth's moon looks so beautiful. Gwen Said

Yeah It does but It's not as beautiful as. Eric stopped himself

Gwen looked at Eric.

Not as beautiful as what ? Gwen Asked Eric

Oh ummm nothing. Eric Said

Come on tell me. Gwen Said

Eric sighed and looked Gwen In the eyes.

It's not as beautiful as you. Eric Said

What you think I'm beautiful. Gwen Said

Yeah I've been thinking If since you were mind controlled. Eric Said

Why ? Gwen Asked Eric

Well since I thought you died on lord Varins ship I've realized that I had feelings for you. Eric Said

Gwen started to cry.

Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. Eric Said

Gwen just looked at Eric and smiled.

I think I have feelings for you too. Gwen Said

Really what about Ellen ? Eric Asked Gwen

Well I still want to find her and help her because she Is one of my best friends but I think I want you more. Gwen Said

Gwen and Eric leaned In and kissed.

What the hell are you two doing ? Abby Asked Them

Eric looked shocked.

Abby I can explain. Eric Said

No go to hell both of you. Abby Said

Just then a ship was coming down and landed and a all so familiar person walked out.

Hello son. Lord Varin Said

Shit not now. Eric Said

                                                                           END OF CHAPTER           

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