Part 26 A new friend

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Eric and everyone were sitting around a fire and eating.

So Eric you never told us how you got the Information about Arthur last know whereabouts. Tavoni Said

Ummm well you see I had to have sex with Brad to get It. Eric Said

Everyone looked shocked.

I only did It to get the Information from him. Eric Said

Good so I don't have to kill you. Ellen Said Smiling

Eric looked at her.

Are you serious ? Eric asked Ellen

Only If you seriously cheat on me. Ellen Said

Why would I do that you're the most beautiful women In the universe. Eric Said

Ellen smiled then pulled Eric Into a kiss.

I think you pretty cool too. Ellen Said

Eric rolled His eyes.

I'm not that cool. Eric Said

                                                          THE NEXT MORNING

How close are we ? Whiskers Asked Eric

Only a few more hours. Eric Said

Good. Whiskers Said

I'm starting to get tired. Tavoni Said

Whisker's looked at her and smiled.

What are you smiling about ? tavoni Asked Whiskers

Whiskers picked up Tavoni bridal style making her blush.

Put me down right now. Tavoni Said

You said you were tired. Whiskers Said

I would have suggested taking a break idiot. Tavoni Said

You know you're enjoying this. Whiskers Said

So Eric what happened to you and my sister ? Drake Asked Eric

Well We sorta got separated a few years back and just got back together a few months ago. Eric Said

Oh so how did It happen than ? Drake Asked Eric

Well you know Gwen she forced me to go with her to train as a bounty hunter. Eric Said

Drake glared at Gwen who glared right back at him.

Don't try anything please. Eric Said

Fine but she better stay away from my sister. Drake Said

After a few more hours they arrived at the town.

Finally let's go look for something to eat. Greg Said

Why didn't you eat breakfast ? Drake Asked Greg

I did but It didn't fill me up. Greg Said

Hey there's a burger town let's eat there. Gwen Said

Everyone walked Into the burger town and got something to eat and sat down.

So where do we check first ? Tavoni Asked Eric

At a place called the dirty hole. Eric Said

Is that a strip club ? Drake Asked Eric

Eric nodded his head.

After everyone finished eating they got up and started walking to the dirty hole.

Eric's space adventuresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora