Chapter 1

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4 days. Chance had only been in the home for 4 days, and he had already gotten into a fight. He watched as his fist turned purple and bruised in front of him. The princable looked up at him and folded his hands.

"I called Mr.Howell. He is very displeased, and on his way here." Chance nodded while looking at the ground. He would not be able to sit correctly for a month. See he, and two other boys, Roland and Levi, have been sent to live with Mr.Howell because they are 'too much to handle'. and Mr.Howell corrects the boys with old fashion punishments, spankings, plus some, which done of them have gotten yet, since they have only been there four days.

Chance was the middle boy, at 16. Then Roland who is 15, then Levi, who is 17.

A moment later the door opened. Chance already knew who it was because of the loud leather boots that marched toward him. Someone's shadow had covered him and a voice harshly whispered, "do you enjoy sitting? Cause you wont be when I am done with you." Mr.Howell exaimed.

Chance gulped and refused to look up. That was until they were dissmissed and his bicep was grabbed and he was stood up by Mr.Howell. Not wanting to cause a scene, he followed Mr.Howell out the front double door and to the car, where they drove in silence.

"I want you in the punishment room, nude from the waist down, in the corner." Mr.Howell says annoyed. Chance just mumbled a 'yes sir,' and when the car come to a stop, he jumped out and ran straight into the 2 story house. He jogged up the stairs and ran into the last room and the end off the hallway.

He looked around it; paddles, whips, crops, straps, belts, wooden spoons and a paddled brush all hung around the wall. A shelf held a safe, which held their cellphones and laptops when they were taken up. There was a wooden chair in the middle of the room and a desk. In a corner was an enema. and in a basket held ginger roots, and in another, boxes of soap. Frightened, Chance stripped waist down, and stood in a corner, awaiting his doom.

After a moment, Mr.Howell came in and closed the door. "Care to explain?" He asks, crossing his arms and stood infront of the bubble butt boy.

"Nothing to explain, sir." Chance admitted in the wall.

"Oh, sure there is. Like, why did you get into that fight?" Mr.Howell asks, walking toward Chance, landing a sharp and sudden POP on his right ass cheek. Chance winced.

"He smarted off to me,Sir. I couldn't take it, so I swung."

"So you started the fight?" Mr.Howell asks.

"Well no but-"

"You just told me you took a swing? Are you lying to me? Because you know I do not tollorate lying, Chance."

Chance's voice shakes. No, Mr.Howell does not. He would leave soap in your mouth for hours. "No, Sir. I'm sorry, I missspoke. Yes I physically started the fight."

Mr.Howell sighs. "Chance, turn around." Chance obyed, keeping his hands on his head. He wanted to cover his wang, but didn't dare move. "You know full well I do not accept fighting while you are in this household." "Yes sir." "And to find you started it? That just makes it worse." "I'm sorry,sir."

"You bottom will be, Chance. Your bottom will be." Mr.Howell says as he plucks up a ginger root from the basket. "Bend over the desk, tippy toes up."

Chance instanly walked over, bends over the bed and lifts up his tippy toes so his ass cheeks spread open wide.

Mr.Howell walks over to him and spreeds his ass even wider, and gently pushes the ginger root inside his asshole. With in seconds, the burning kicks in, and Chance exspresses discomfet, gripping the desk tightly. "Sir, that burns!" Chance wells out. Mr.Howell stood back and crossed his arms. "3 mins, Chance." He says, sitting on the wooden chair, waiting.

Within the 3 minuites, Chance's ass hole grew and trobbed with fire and pain. He wanted to scream in pain but didn't know how Mr.Howell would react. He took a chance, and grunted an, "oww!!" Mr.Howell shot a look at him.

"You can scream, you can cry. But you cannot curse or fight me." Mr.Howell says, giving permission to Chance to let out tears and more "owes!"

"It burns!" He sobbed in pain. Mr.Howell looks at his watch. "30 more seconds, bud." Mr.Howell says stern but gently. Mr,Howell was stricked, but also gentle. A lot of the times, he gave cuddles and reassurance after punishment, unless it was a super bad thing, then the spankie was sent for a nap.

Finally, Mr.Howell told Chance to relax and he unplugged the ginger from the brown hair boy's asshole. Chance sighed and wiped away a tear, even though he knew his punishment was not over with yet.

Mr.Howell plucked up a wooden spoon from the wall and patted the boy's ass with it. "Why are receiving this punishment?"

"Be-because I got into a fight, Sir." Chance says sniffling.

"Mhm," Mr.Howell nods, and begain to trash the boy's ass. Left cheek, right cheek, sit spots, middle, under the ass, and thighs.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.Smack.

Chance whined and began to cry, but not hardcore. He had tears dripping down his face and he wiggled but didn't fight or protect his burning ass. After a couple more swats, Mr.Howell stopped, and turned the boy around. "Put your boxers on." He commanded. The sniffling boy did just that, and whinced as the fabric connected with his throbbing ass. "Owe." He mumbled.

"Now," Mr,Howell says, placing the wooden chair in the corner. "Sit down, face this corner, cry. You're sitting in timeout like a child. Wanna fight like an immaure child, you will sit in timeout like one." Mr.Howell says, patting the seat of the chair. Chance nodded and plopped down, wiggling. "Yes Sir."

10 minuites of aganing pain and embaressment went by slow. Chance wiggled in his seat but didn't get up. Finally, Mr.Howell came in and told him to stand up.

"Chance, you will think twice about fighting now, won't you?" "Yes Sir. I will." Mr.Howell held his face and wiped his eyes. "Go take a nap, I will wake you up in about an hour, then it's homework time."

Chance nodded and began to walk away when Mr.Howell took his hand. Mr.Howell wrapped him in a hug, and Chance suddenly began sobbing in his shoulder. Mr.Howell rubbed his back, letting him cry. "I'm-so-sor-sorry sir." Chance finally mumbled.

"I know you are, and you're forgiven, now, go on, take that nap." Chance nodded, and this time, made it up the stairs into his room.

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