The hooded boy slumped over to his mattress again, stripping off his ratty dark blue hooded jacket, showing a white t-shirt with red trim and a red logo, in the worst possible condition. The shirt had been ripped at the seams, torn in multiple places, and stained with so much dried blood, it looked brown. He then laid back on the mattress, dissolved the glowing orb with a mere thought, and drifted off to yet another nightmare.


           A young ghost with pearl white hair and toxic green eyes hung limp by his gloved hands, which, along with his boots, were cuffed to a complex machine. The teen wore a black HAZMAT suit with a white collar, white gloves that reached his elbows, white combat boots that stretched just below his knees, and a white "D" with a black "P" inside it. However, that was what was left of the ghost boy's attire, for it now had numerous tears and burns, most of which were covered in dry ectoplasm. A small trail of smoke billowed from his frame as he struggled to remain conscious.

          "HA!" cackled a masculine voice, "So the freak survives! I can't believe you've made it this far, ecto-scum!"With the voice, emerged a man dressed in a white suit wearing dark sunglasses,his face twisted in a malicious smirk.

          The young hero squinted up at the man, despair and hopelessness evident in the dull glow of his eyes. "What . . . what did I do . . . to deserve this?" the ghost managed to ask in between heaves.

          "Agent K!" came another voice, this one slightly deeper than the first. "How could you start without me?"

          From the second voice's direction came a man wearing the same clothing as the first that was addressed as Agent K. 

          Agent K snickered in fake guilt. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Agent O. I couldn't help myself! Besides, I didn't do too much . . . yet."

          The second man, called Agent O, stood by his partner, hands clasped behind his back. "It's quite alright. So, please, do continue punishing this waste of space."

          As he spoke, Agent K flipped a switch on a nearby control console, resulting in thousands of volts of ectoplasm-infused electricity shooting into the ghost boy relentlessly.

          The white-haired teen let out an ear-piercing scream of pure agony, his eyes squeezed shut as he struggled to live, well, half-live on. Hot tears streamed down his bruised, battered, and bloody tan cheeks.

          "WHAT DID I DO?!" the fourteen-year-old ghost screamed out, his voice breaking in dispair. "WHAT DID I DO WRONG?"

          The two agents cackled madly at his suffering. "Oh, Phantom!" said Agent K in between laughs, "Just by existing! You have and will be the downfall of the world, and we want to punish you for it! Besides, you are nothing but subconscious ectoplasm."

          With that, Agent O moved closer to the control panel and increased the velocity. The boy, Phantom, screamed louder, his body seizing up.

          "Ah, foolish ecto-scum!" taunted Agent O. "You are nothing against us. You couldn't even save your friends and family!"

          That, ultimately, was the wrong thing to say, as something snapped in Phantom. His eyes snapped open, glowing a brighter green than ever before as his brow furrowed in anger. The young hero suddenly screamed louder than he had ever before.

           As his screams continued to grow, the room shook. Cracks formed on the white ceiling as the agents were shaken to the ground with the vibrations.

          "Agent K!" Agent O shouted over the noise, "Those cuffs were supposed to block that ghost's powers!"

          Agent K glared at his comrade. "They are! But it's not enough! Turn it off!"

         The other agent sent his colleague back a glare before struggling to reach the control panel. However, as Phantom's screams grew louder by the second, he was unable to stand as the room shook more violently.

          Green and blue sparks flew around the barely-contained ghost boy, his fury fanning the raging inferno inside him. The ceiling began to fall apart, chunks of wall raining down into the white room.

          "TURN IT OFF, AGENT O!" screamed Agent K, panic evident in his tone.

          "I-I CAN'T!" Agent O screamed back, collapsing back onto the white tile for the tenth time.

          Then a giant snap resounded in the air. The screams came to a sudden stop, and the room ceased to shake. The agents peered at each other in terror, before turning to stare at their captive.

          Phantom stood before them, fists clenched tightly in anger, his green eyes shining with ice so cold it could burn. Faint green tendrils trailed from the corners of his eyes as he stared at the two men, teeth grit together. Then the room went dark as the roof caved in.

Broken Ghost (A Danny Phantom, Young Justice, and Batman Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now