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jake paul is a douche. honestly, i know my dad. he would never hurt anyone for no reason. grayson and ethan went back to their apartment. i've been hanging out with alex a lot more recently, he's honestly one of my best friends. 

i heard my ringtone go off, so i picked up my phone, and it was grayson.

"hey babe," i said.

"hi beautiful." he said.

"what's up?" i asked.

"well, e and i are going back to jersey to help my family move, do you want to come?" he asked.

"i would honestly love to. but my mom and dad are going through a lot right now and i think it would be best for me to stay here with them. next time you go to jersey, i will definitely come." i said.

"ok. i love you." he said

"i love you more."

"no i love you more." he replied.

"mhm." i ended the call. at this point i was smiling like an idiot.

"what's got you so happy today?" alex asked as he grabbed a water from the fridge.

"gray. he's perfect. but he's going to jersey for 3 weeks." i said, frowning.

"then go spend time with him before he goes!" alex grabbed his car keys and drove me to gray's apartment. when i opened the door, my jaw dropped.

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