Dreaded Monday's

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Dakota started his dreaded Monday morning off just like every other Monday. When his alarm clock began beeping like a fire alarm, Dakota burst out of bed like a cannonball flying out of a Middle Ages cannon. Although he was exceedingly weary from his late-night gaming the night before, he jumped out of bed to turn off his alarm clock which was located on the other side of his room. He couldn't get the annoying sound turned off fast enough. Slothfully, he trudged over to the bathroom, stepped into the shower and once again nodded off as the soothing warm water washed over his tired body. After his mom yelled at him to finish up with his shower twice, Dakota finally completed the challenging task of getting ready for school while wishing he was still in bed.

Continuing to follow his regular morning routine, Dakota carefully thought through his day and about what he needed to bring to school. Suddenly, he remembered. He had the greatest and most important test of his life later in the day. He reflected on the night before and how entertaining playing video games with his friends had been. It sure had been a lot more fun than studying for his calculus test. And then Dakota thought about what would happen if he did not pass the test. All the vacation she would miss. All the group gatherings that his friend would be having. And he became painfully aware of the dreadful reality of the mess he had made. If he did not get a good score on the exam he would never make it into the college of his choice. The reality was that he wouldn't get any scholarships, he would never get a good job and he would most certainly have a miserable future.

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