Chapter Fifteen

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{The entire pep talk that Varian gave in the last chapter really reminds me of myself and my life.... now that I've got the hard part over with, I'm hoping that this story will go a whole lot quicker. Not that I want it to end, but... it's always nice to have another completed story on your hands.}


Varian wrapped his arms tightly around Cassandra, letting her know that he was there for her.

And he would never let her go- at least, not until she wanted him to.

She sobbed into his shoulder, letting all of her crazy emotions out- all over his shoulder. But he didn't mind.

He gently stroked her hair, hoping it came as a comfort to her instead of an annoyance.

After about five minutes, Cassandra had no more tears to shed, but she stayed in his arms. They felt safe, firm and steady.

She felt safe.

His arms around her, his hands stroking her hair, his body against hers...

This all made her feel safe, wanted, protected... loved.

And, in this moment, she wanted to feel something. Not just as a thank-you to Varian for always being there for her, but... she genuinely wanted to feel something.


Never before had she wanted such things, and she hoped she never would again. Not that emotions were bad, as she was slowly learning from Varian, but Cassandra had a job. She had friends. She had a life.

Emotions were just silly things that might end up taking her over, causing her to freak out and let them control her life.

She could not let that happen.

But, in that moment, she was willing to let things like that happen.


With Cassandra in his arms, Varian felt very happy. Content.

It felt nice to always be there for someone, especially Cass, and it felt even better for that person to want you to be there.

He noticed that she had stopped crying awhile ago, but was still in his arms, not resisting.

"It'll be okay, Cassie," he whispered, rubbing her back, "it's all going to be okay."

She pulled apart, still in his arms but still able to see him face-to-face.

"Varian..." she whispered, a small smile making its way onto her face, "Varian..."

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