Chapter 030: The Makings of The Company

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Billion paused, closing his eyes as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"It was a necessary offer. Basing only on the fact that he did come here with a proposal and did not attack us directly, it was already a miracle that he actually proactively wanted to meet with me."

Her expression remained cold and indignant.

"I wonder though, four mega-crates of Black-Ironwood Alloy are enough to make a whole entire Garuda-Class Warship. Just what is that guy planning to build with them?"

"Who knows? I don't care about it anymore. What is important is that I get to maintain my job as this city's lord and also The Union's city manager. All other things are unimportant. If it's only this much, when compared to the city being pillaged and burned to the ground because of what The Legion did, then this small sacrifice is worth it."

Billion sighed as he couldn't help her appease her anger at Volt. He glanced below his feet to see the still white-eyed vacant avatar of the one who's at fault in this entire mess.

If he had only held in his beef with Siva a little bit longer, then they wouldn't have to gone through this entire process of compromising and actually lowering their heads down on a measly 'Siva'.

"You think I'm not angry as well? He's just a gamer and I am an actual employee of The Union that is tasked to take care and develop of this city into a tourist spot... How do you think I'll be treated in the summit meeting?"


"It's this idiot's fault that I have to be treated like some idiot by a mere kid! God damn it, it pisses me off just thinking how this fool just had to make me bow my head!"

"But he's from the House of..."

Billion cut her short in this, "So what if he's from a noble house in this game? In the end, Terroa is just a game world and none of this is real. What made him think that being lucky of becoming a Vassal of a Noble NPC House is enough to throw that name everywhere? He doesn't know how the real world works! This ignorant bastard...!!"

Having gathered a certain amount of irritation, the usually silent Billion pulled out a mace and struck it on the chest of the fallen male Mage.

Unlike what happens when regular players hit each other inside a safe zone and only a bump will happen because of the protection of the buff called Safe Zone, a 'City Lord' is not just a position and a title as it also comes with unique privileges like being able to use and manipulate the City-wide Grand Magic or be able to hurt and kill anyone inside the city while still being protected by the Safe Zone restriction against everyone else.

The only way to lift this Safe Zone buff in a city is when it is facing a city-wide threat.

Only when this happens will the Safe Zone's effects to protect the people inside the city be lifted, enabling the city to experience the world.
(A/N: idiom: experience calamity)

There are many ways to use a City Lord's position to one's advantages that's why being a City Lord is an enviable position.

It was one of the reasons why The North is famous for crimes.... because City Lords from small and weak organizations are often assassinated, especially during the first eras of Player-side City Lords where a period of crimes happened and wars are even launched just for the sake of this position.

The North started to stabilize when the prominent Guilds in the lower continents had started to take these City Lord positions to themselves.

And of them all, The Union was one of the most stable Walled Cities.

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