Oh well. It's not like the entire internet is going to see it. . . I sighed.

Beside me, leaning in close, was Chat Noir. His electric eyes were scrunched, a lopsided grin on his face. His wet hair pushed away from his face, hanging slightly to the right, instead of straight like it normally did. It. . . it looked a lot like him. Adrien, I mean.

How did I not see?

"He posted this too," Alya said, and swiped left. "Remember how it was crazy raining that morning? Ladybug gave him an umbrella, made with her super powers. Isn't that wicked cool?"

"LB's my hero," Nino said, his eyes beaming.

I ducked my chin and my cheeks warmed at their praise. It meant a lot when it came from my friends like that.

A sudden hush fell over the room. The hair on the back of my neck prickled, and I knew without looking what had caused the lull. Slowly, steeling myself, I looked over my shoulder.

He walked into the courtyard, looking shy and a little lost. Did everyone have to stare at him like that?

"Adri-honey!" Chloe crooned. She swooped in on him like a bird of prey, and latched onto his arm. I heard her say something along the lines of "you're sooo brave, Adrien" and "I almost fainted when daddy told me!"

Adrien mumbled a response before he shrugged out of her grasp. He looked a little annoyed, and more than a little embarrassed.

Slowly, the noise level returned to normal. Everyone seemed to wave or call out to Adrien as he walked by. And. . . he was headed straight toward us.

I cleared my throat. "I uh. . . need something from my locker. I'll see you both in class."

"But what about Adrien?" Alya called.

But I was already walking, and I didn't stop until I reached the girl's locker room. Once I was alone, I let out a sigh of relief. I busied myself by going over to the water fountain to get something to drink. My mouth felt so dry.

I mean, keeping it together around Adrien was normally a challenge, but now? Knowing what I do? What do I do? What do I say?

"Hey, Marinette."

"AAAdrien!" My arms made some wild movements and my head went spinning,  searching for something to say to him. "How you are feeling? I-I mean are you better feeling?"

I glanced above his left eye, where the terrible bruise had been Saturday morning. Now it was disguised with makeup. My gaze slipped lower, and I realized I'd been avoiding eye contact. The green in his eyes caught me off guard, and I actually flinched.

Uh, duh, Marinette. His eyes have always been that color.

"Yeah," he said, amusement obvious in his voice. "I'm feeling much better. Thanks to you," he added with a wink.

I forced myself to look away. It was bad enough the whole school was gaping at him. He didn't need me to stare too.

"I uh, have Plagg with me," I said, my voice hushed.

We both looked around the room, to make sure we were alone. I pulled at the zipper on my bag and Plagg shot out.

"Finally. I thought your perfume was going to smother me," he said.

I reached out to stroke his head. "That's nothing compared to Camembert."

"Plagg, mind your manners," Adrien said, and gave him a stern look.

"You know what's good manners? Feeding your friends," Plagg shot back. "But do you feed me? No."

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't feed him?"

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