Chapter One

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The summer vacation had ended and Carrie was headed to her new school and she was sitting in the car with her father.

"Did we really have to move?" Carrie asked. 

"It's okay,  you're going to make new friends," her father replied.

"Dad, i'm 16! It's not easy to make friends when you are my age," Carrie explained.

"Of course it is. Look at those girls over there," he pointed to a group of girls passing by.

"Yeah, but they look like they are all friends and I'm all alone," Carrie replied.

"Don't worry, by tonight you will have friends, I'm sure of this. You are funny, kind, and sweet, who wouldn't want to be friends with you. Look, you even have your lucky sneakers on," Carrie's father  said.

"You're right, I can do this... but I'm telling you, if I don't like it, I'm out." Carrie told him.

"Go now, the bell will ring soon, and you don't want to be late for the first day of school." Her father told her.

Carrie hugged her father tight, got out of the car, took a deep breath, and walked into the school.

Kids were running everywhere, some were laughing then, there were bullies teasing the nerdy guy by throwing his bag across the halls, making fun of him. Then, there were cheerleaders making an entrance, as if they were Hollywood stars.

She looked around and smiled at everything that was going on. She approached a bulletin board and there was a paper saying where each class she was in. She went down the list and saw that there were more girls in her class than boys. Then, she went down the list again, making sure someone she knew would be in that school or in her class, but no, all strangers.

The bell suddenly rang, the halls were empty and Carrie didn't know where to go. When, a booy behind her asked, "you lost?"

She turned to face him. He was much taller than she was.

"Yeah,  it's my first day here," she replied.

"I figured, what class are you in?"

 "101 B."

"That's my class."

"You look older than me."

Where are my manners, Harrison Ford 17, and I'm redoing my year because I don't do shit at school."

He straightened out his arm to shake Carrie's hand.

"Carrie Fisher 16, new school for me," she took his hand and shook it. 

"Carrie, well nice to meet you new classmate," he said, shaking his head and smiling.

"Well, we should get to class," Carrie said.


(During class...)

"Harrison, didn't expect more from you late again, as usual. I'm guessing this is our new classmate?" 

Harrison rolled his eyes and gave the teacher a smile.

"Hi, yes, sorry I'm late. I couldn't find my way," Carrie told the teacher.

"It's okay, just sit down. And for you, Harrison, not today. But, if you're late one more time, you will be detained," the teacher said.

"Yes. He turned his head to Carrie, "easy."

She smiled and they both went to sit at the back of the class.

(After class...)

"Hey Carrie, have lunch with us." Harrison told her.

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