BEN x the new male kid

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I moved in with my father right in Halloween, so I didn't have a costume and I had no friends for a Halloween party. Dad was also working nights, so that meant I had to give out candy by myself. Dad gave me a gun and knife just in case. He is protective over me.
Night came fast and before long, the doorbell rang. I grew nervous because I don't really like talking to people.
"Trick or treat!" Kids yell outside.
I put on a smile and open the door.
"Great costumes you guys!" I say to the little 2nd grader looking kids.
Only one of the three said anything back. I sigh and close the door and walk in my bedroom to get my computer. Once I get it and get comfortable on the couch, the doorbell rang again. I roll my eyes and grab the bowl on candy before walking outside. There was a teenager looking guy standing outside. I knew what he was supposed to be.
"Have some candy, Laughing Jack." I giggle but the cosplayer didn't say anything, he just grabbed some candy, smiled and walked away.
I stare at the guy weirded out and see he also has other friends cosplaying as Creepypasta characters. There was Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Sally, and BEN drowned.
"Love your costumes!" I yell.
The group of friends looked at each other, weirded out until they all walk away, whispering. I press my lips together tightly and ate the bowl of candy on a table outside so kids wouldn't ring the doorbell. I close and lock the door before heading back to my computer.
'People here are different than the ones down where I come from...' I think to myself.
I get on my computer and start to play video games, eventually falling asleep.

BEN stood at the end of the driveway.
"I'm at your driveway... I'm at your driveway..."
BEN teleports to the middle of the driveway.
"I'm on your driveway... I'm on your driveway..."
BEN teleports to the front door.
"I'm at your door... I'm at your door..."
BEN rings the doorbell and screams loudly.

I jolt up from my sleeping position in a sweating mess. I tried to catch my breath as I look around. I heard yelling outside.
"Scared you! You stupid kids!" Someone tells and laughs, running away.
I peek out the window and see a kid crying and hugging his mother as the mother glares at the teenager running away. I giggle a little and sit back down. I realize the computer is frozen on a black screen. The screen suddenly switches to "Cleverbot". There was a message in the message box.
"You shouldn't have done that..."
I tilt my head in confusion and surprise and slowly creep my hands towards the keyboard. I type in caution.
"I shouldn't have done what?"
"I'm glad you did that..."
Then the screen goes black and another message shows up.
"I'm at your door... I'm at your door..."
I stare at the screen until I hear the doorbell ring. I gasp and feel my body shake. I slowly get up, the doorbell ringing continuously.
"H-hold on!" I yell.
The doorbell keeps ringing until I open the door. No one was there.
'Probably just a prank." I think and close the door.
I stare out the door window and realize something is behind me. My heart starts beating fast and sweat starts to form on my forehead as I slowly turn around. My eyes meet with two empty sockets leaking blood. The person was pale with blonde hair. I begin to scream but my mouth is covered by a hand. And I'm pinned to the door. This can't be real... BEN isn't real! How did this cosplayer get into my house?! Tears prick the peaks of my eyes.
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" BEN whispers in my ear.
Suddenly the hand covering my mouth switched to BEN's lips. BEN was... kissing me! My eyes grew wide as I realized what was happening. BEN smirks and pulls away.
"Hello, new kid."
I stare into BEN's eyes, shocked yet love struck. I'm a boy, he's a boy, and we kissed. I blush and look away quickly. BEN chuckles and grabs my chin before staring into my eyes.
"I've been watching you for a long time... and now you're mine!"...

Creepypasta males x male readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu