Just in case.

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So apparently 4Chan is going to hack Wattpad, from what I've heard.

I don't know if they'll hack all of Wattpad, or everyone's accounts, or even if they'll even bother with us.

But what I've heard was that they'll post inappropriate chapters, posts, and maybe pictures?

Just know that if that happens, tell me and I'll get rid of that post as soon as possible.

I do not know of this is 4Chan will hack Wattpad for not, but still.

Spread this around.

((Also, sorry for the lack of art and any signs (besides me voting on other people's stuff) being alive. D:

Highschool (9th grade) started, and everything is so different, and stressful ;w;

And I still have an art block that started from three months ago. scREAM--

I'm trying my best to draw stuff though!

Hopefully I'll have time later today to whip out some art!)

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