Rat (Completed)

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Title: Rat (Completed)

Author: EinatSegal


The King's magician, Harlock Cooper, the greatest magician that ever lived - has just died.Now it's in the hands of the aged and weary Grand Magic Master, Wenward Marning, to scour the kingdom and find a suitable replacement in time to prevent a war. He sets out on the task with the knowledge that he can never find anyone as great as Harlock Cooper - Or can he?Marning meets Rat, a curious, rough-tempered street boy with a particularly keen talent for magic. Torn by grief, rage and the desire for revenge, Rat reluctantly places his loyalties to his street family aside and focuses on becoming the kingdom's magical champion. However, there is more to Rat than meets the eye, and he is the only one who can uncover who - or what - he truly is.Together, Rat and Marning, boy and elder, work through their differences as they face a slowly unraveling web of conspiracy, treason, betrayal and revenge: and along with it, the dark reality of a terrible curse coming their way.

Completed: Yes

Mature: No

MTTB: This book is amazing! The book is set in a medieval fantasy world where a boy named Rat trains to become a magician. The book is addictive, meaning that after you start reading it you hang on every word and piece of information as if it were your first meal in years! I had, actually, just finished reading it. The book is slightly lengthy with the book being split into two parts, but overall has 50 chapters with two 'bookmark' chapters (basically seperating part one and two) and three author's notes at the end.

The book was supposed to be published but was rejected for having chapters alternating between Marning and Rat's POVs without a warning but I think that if the book did tell you who's point of view you were reading, the book wouldn't look as clean. You can pick up on hints in the style of writing about which point of view you're reading which makes for a much more enjoyable experience.

I'm thinking of re-reading this book and I think you should definitely give this book a chance. The ending is a little less satisfactory but fits well with the character's personalities and plot. Check it out!

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