"Of course Lady Yuki." The second said. They looked at me sadly. I thought they didn't like me?

I bowed then went inside. I passed Sasuke on my way in. I sighed he didn't need to witness what was going to happen next. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Mikoto chopping vegetables. She saw me, then she saw the tears. 

"Yuki, what's wrong." She asked.

"Mrs. Kagami is dead," I said sadly.

She gasped. "What happened?"

"Shisui committed suicide. And he killed himself. Along with Rozu. After she found out..."

"Oh no. I must tell Fugaku. Yuki ,go upstairs and rest. I'll have Itachi bring you your dinner." I nodded and headed upstairs.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to rest. I got to pack. I was almost finished with my things when Itachi walked in.

I looked at him and jumped. His eyes were different. "So that's what it looks like," I said thoughtfully. Then I got a good look and saw the sadness underneath them. "Oh Itachi, I'm so sorry," I said. I went over and hugged him. He put his face in my hair. His tears soon soaked through and into my top. 

After he calmed down, we continued to pack. He packed what we needed and put it in a scroll. Along with Rozu's things in another scroll.

After we finished we sat and watched the sunset. I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. But I knew that would be suspicious. So, for now, I had to accept it and deal with it.

I did, however, write a letter to Sasuke. Since we're faking my death... I wanted to say goodbye to him. I'll just say that Itachi let me do that. 

My sweet Sasuke,

I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye to you. But I didn't really have the time before. I also didn't know I would be saying goodbye. But at least I get to say goodbye.

I'm sorry for Itachi. I wish things could be different. But they can't. I hope you won't hate me. I don't think I could bear it if you did...

I honestly don't know what I should say. The only thing I can think of is to say: I Love You Sasuke. And I always will. I hope you don't choose a path of revenge. So I'll ask you. Please don't choose that path. It's what my parents told me when they were killed, revenge only leads to more death and suffering. Even though it will be hard not to. Please try hard not too. Choose the path that's right for you. 

Make good friends. Don't break any hearts. Or at least not on purpose ;). I would suggest Naruto as a friend. You two will have something in common. And you'll both need a friend. And the little girl with the pink hair. She's sweet. I think her name is Sakura. Don't break her heart. Ok?

I don't know what else to say. That's a first, isn't it little ducky? I'm laughing right now thinking how you hate that nickname. There is one thing I should say. It may help. It may not. But it is this: I'm proud of you. And your parents are proud too. And yes, that includes your dad. And even if you don't want to hear it. Itachi is proud of you too. Even if he won't let it show. And even if he says he isn't. He is.

I suppose that's it. I wish I had more time with you and your family. If you see Luna again... Tell her I said hello, and that I'm sorry for her loss.

Ok, that is it. I guess. I think I had more to say than I thought. I love you so so so much Sasuke. I hope you know that. I will always love you. Even if it's from afar. And even if you don't see me. I will always love you.

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