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"What were you thinking Apollo?" Hermione scolded.

"I was thinking that that Malfoy humiliated two of my friends and I had to get revenge." said Apollo.

Hermione tried to hide her thankful smile. "There must have been a better way to show it."

"I reckon Apollo did a good thing." said Ron. "We've all wanted to punch Malfoy before."

"I know I have." said Harry. "Did you get into trouble?"

"Nothing too bad, just detention with Ronnie over here." Apollo shrugged.

"Don't call me that." Ron said, his ears going pink.

"I hope cleaning trophies will teach you a lesson." said Hermione.

"I don't understand why I'm getting punished, Malfoy gets Crabbe and Goyle to beat up kids all the time." said Apollo. "I'm like your Crabbe and Goyle except smarter, handsomer and—"

"—and smaller." Ron snorted.

"Oi Weasley I'm not short!" Apollo said angrily.

Apollo stayed up that night talking to Tom. They were discussing Apollo's seer abilities, which made him especially happy.

Do you have visions of the future often?

They happen every once in a while, usually touching something triggers it.

Can you control it?

No I can't, they happen randomly.

You have a gift, Apollo. You need to take that gift and mold it into power.

I don't know if I want power, Tom.

If you have power, no one will ever hurt you or your friends again.

Apollo pondered this for a second. His seer abilities did help him figure out the whole ordeal with the Sorcerer's Stone, he could use it to help them with everything. Stop future threats before they even happen.

How can I do that?

I can help you achieve that. If you help me get into my physical form, you can be my apprentice.

Apollo knew that Tom was a memory of a previous student and that with magic that student was able to put a part of himself in this diary. So there was no doubt in his mind that Tom could help him.

Apollo touched the spot where the words had disappeared on the page, suddenly he got a vision. It was a boy, a very handsome boy.

The boy looked to be sixteen years of age. He had jet black hair, similar to Harry, but unlike Harry, his hair was neat and there wasn't a hair out of place. His eyes were so dark they were almost black, the coldest in them intrigued Apollo. His skin was so pale and there wasn't a blemish on it. He was perfect.

After the image of the boy disappeared there was a vision of Ginny Weasley with Tom's diary.

I just got a vision.

What happened?

In order to reach your physical form I have to give you to Ginny Weasley. My best friend Ron's little sister.

Then do it.

I don't know if I should.

For some odd reason the thought of the diary being in someone else's possession made him angry. He had already gotten used to talking to Tom every day.

Don't worry, Apollo. We'll be reunited soon. Do this so we can be together.

Okay, I'll do it.

Thank you, Apollo.

Apollo closed the book and the next day he put it in Ginny's bag when she had left it in the common room. The thought of seeing Tom in the flesh gave him butterflies.

That night he served detention for beating up Malfoy. He walked with Harry and Ron, a feeling of dread over him.

"I still can't believe that Lockhart wants you to answer his fan mail." said Apollo. "I wish I could do that instead of cleaning trophies."

"How could you do that?" said Ron. "You can barely speak around Lockhart."

Apollo's face went pink. "I can speak to him, I just choose not to!"

Harry chuckled. "Alright you two, try not to kill each other while I'm gone."

"No promises!" Apollo joked, as Harry walked away to Lockhart's classroom.

Ron and Apollo continued to walk to the trophy room where Filch waited with cleaning supplies.

"You're late." Filch growled.

"Sorry sir, it was a long walk." said Ron.

"I don't give a damn, it's your time that you're wasting anyway." said Filch. "These are the supplies you'll be using, i'll be waiting outside. You are not to leave until every trophy in this room is spotless."

Filch walked out of the room and slammed the door loudly, it was just Ron and Apollo now.

"Well, we better get started." Apollo sighed.

They each grabbed a rag and began scrubbing the extremely dusty trophies.

"Hey Apollo?" said Ron.


"You've been acting differently lately." said Ron. "Is something going on?"

"Nothing is going on." said Apollo. "How am I acting different?"

"Just seems like something is on your mind, that's all." said Ron.

"Oh, well there's nothing." Apollo insisted.

"Well, if there every is, you can always talk to me." said Ron. "I mean we are friends."

Apollo's stomach did a jolt, he avoided eye contact and stared at a trophy.

"Aww does Ronnie care about me?" he joked, breaking the tension.

"Shut up, Apollo!" said Ron.

Apollo smiled, soon he would be able to protect Ron and the others. No one will ever be hurt again.

Word Count: 1149

hello guys it's been a while, like a year or something since the last update. sorry that i haven't updated in forever. i lost my motivation for writing and have gone through a lot since the last time i've updated. i'm happy that this story is still getting love despite that. i love this story and i've decided to continue writing it. the updates may just be a bit slow because of school and work. i hope you enjoy this chapter. thanks! bye!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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