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Apollo spent all night talking to Tom

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Apollo spent all night talking to Tom. He learned that he was an older Slytherin student. Once Apollo mentioned his seer abilities, Tom became very interested.

Apollo was eager to have someone be interested in his seer abilities. He couldn't really truly talk about it with anyone besides his mother.

Apollo wasn't used to Slytherins being so kind. He has never met a kind Slytherin, that included his younger sister.

Due to him staying up, Ron actually woke up before him. Apollo woke up as his blanket was removed from him. He groaned, hugging himself for warmth.

"What was that for?" Apollo groaned.

"Harry's gone to Quidditch practice early, get up so we can go watch," said Ron. "hurry up Hermione and I are already ready."

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" said Apollo, getting up immediately.

"You looked...comfortable." he said, his ears going red.

Apollo raised an eyebrow. "Strange, you're not usually that considerate."

Apollo got dressed into his weekend clothes, unlike other purebloods he wore muggle clothes on the weekend. He found muggle clothes to be much more comfortable.

He combed his hair, Ron stared at him. Apollo chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done."

Apollo was too naive to know why he was staring. Ron probably didn't understand why he was either.

Once he was ready, the two boys met Hermione outside the common room.

"Finally!" said Hermione. "You two took ages! His practice is probably nearly over."

"Not my fault." Ron flared at Apollo.

"I need my beauty sleep." Apollo defended.

"I should have let you sleep more then," Ron smirked. "you really need it."

"Hey!" said Apollo. "Hermione thinks I'm beautiful. Right, Hermione?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes Apollo, you're radiant."

"See, I'm radiant." said Apollo, Ron snorted.

"We have no time to eat breakfast," said Hermione. "we'll just have to take it to go."

The three of them grabbed some toast and marmalade and walked to the Quidditch field. Apollo thought it would be boring, but he would do anything for Harry. Plus Oliver Wood was always nice to look at, not in that way of course.

When they arrived on the Quidditch field, Harry had just come out of the locker room in his uniform. The three of them walked up to Harry.

"Aren't you finished yet?" asked Ron.

"Haven't even started." said Harry.

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