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Apollo was let out of the Hospital Wing during lunch

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Apollo was let out of the Hospital Wing during lunch. While Madam Pomfrey was bandaging his hand, Professor McGonagall walked inside to have a chat with him. He knew it wasn't good.

"Mr. Trelawney." she said.

"Professor McGonagall." he replied, dryly.

"I assume you know why I'm here." she said.

"Who told you?" he sighed.

"Malfoy informed me that you attacked him." she said.

"He called Hermione a you-know-what and was making fun of Ron's family," he said angrily. "he had it coming!"

"That may be true, but you still threw the first punch." she explained.

"What about Malfoy?" said Apollo. "Won't he get punished for what he did?"

"Malfoy's punishment is currently being discussed with his head of house." said McGonagall.

Apollo scowled knowing that he was going to receive no punishment from Snape.

"What's my punishment then?" he asked.

"You will join your friend Mr. Weasley and polish the silver in the trophy room this Saturday—"

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"No magic."

Apollo stared at her. "Alright."

"Hopefully this will teach you to be more considerate of the consequences of your actions."


Apollo didn't feel guilty for what he did. Tom was right, some people deserve to feel pain. Draco Malfoy was just one of those people.

Once Apollo's nose was healed, lunch had already ended. He met up with his three friends in the Gryffindor common room.

"They're you are!" said Hermione. "We've heard some crazy stories about you beating up Malfoy."

"I did." he said, emotionless.

"Apollo!" she scolded.

Ron and Harry both looked impressed.

"That's why he had a black eye during lunch." said Ron, impressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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