Hail for Lynn!!!

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The two figures stepped out of the shadows... It looked like........ Lola and Luan?! But they look different...

Luan has a messy hair with no ponytail she had a hoodie with yellow stripes and a long white sleeve in her hoodie... She is wearing her yellow-striped skirt with her long yellow socks and brown shoes with a squirting flower in it... She was glaring at Lori and Leni... Luan there has 4 wild tentacles on her back... *Creepy*

On the other hand, Lola looks different also... She was wearing a black dress and she has no necklace... She still have the tiara tho but she was more scarier than her usual self... She had wings on her back and a black with red pupil that is glowing...

Insane Luan: Hehehehehehe!!! You have no escape in this misery!!!
Dark Lola: *Whispers* The captain obvious who just told them how to escape... *Glares at Luan*
Insane Luan: Uhhhh... What?
Dark Lola: Let's get this over with....

At the Loud house in reality!

Lynn: What should I do today? Kick butts or Kick sports?

Lynn asked herself then she came up with a perfect idea!

Lynn: Ooooh, I know!!!

Lynn started to walk away from the house and get closer to the park... She was waiting for a while at the soccer field then somebody came...

Francisco: Hey Lynn! How's my buddy doing?
Lynn: I'm f....fine... *slowly blushes* How 'bout we practice soccer...
Francisco: Sure! Bet you can't beat me! *Smirks*
Lynn: *Smirks back* Ohhh, I will beat you!
Francisco: WAIT!!!
Lynn: uhmmm... w...hat?

Lynn nervously asked... Lynn was just staring at Francisco with a worried look... Francisco sighed, took a BIG breath and he slipped the words in his mouth....

Fransisco: Before we start a good game I.....I wanna t....te...tell you something...

Lynn looked at Francisco, she didn't know what to do... She didn't know if she will run away or she will take the words that Francisco will say... So Lynn frozed at the same spot...

Francisco: I really like your purplish sheild arm... I...it fits well with your personality... And your black eye and a red pupil fits with on how brave you are in fights and sports, on how you've been determined for your everyday life.... I know this made sound creepy and weird, but I.. I like you too much... I even Think I love you... I-I love you Lynn!

Lynn took the most special words in her whole life... She have never heard Francisco say that to her... So she Blushed and Blushed until she was as red as a tomato... Francisco did the same thing too... They hugged at each other with warm feeling in their bodies (This part is weird even for me O.O) as the two of them embraced the hug... they slowly backed a little and stared at each other with smile on their faces... They were about to kiss then suddenly...

Francisco: LYNN!!!

Lynn closed her eyes and she  slowly fainted... Francisco grabbed Lynn in a romantic position... Francisco lifted Lynn up and went to find a tree with a shadow in it... He slowly placed Lynn on the soft grass...


Francisco started to violently shake Lynn up hoping that he could wake up Lynn... But still a faint luck... Francisco started sobbing infront of Lynn's unconscious body...

Meanwhile at Lori and Leni's Mind...

Lynn: What? Huh! Where am I? What's going on?!?!!? What, what... hold yourself together Lynn... We can find answers soon...

Lynn was standing there in confusion... But then she heard a voice...

Dark Lola: Heh, You? Defeat us? NOT A CHANCE!
Insane Luan: Heh, Yeah....

Lori launched an attack to Insane Luan which made her miss the attack... Insane Luan used one of her tentacles and slapped Lori's whole body which sent Lori flying and collapsing to the wall...

Leni didn't know how to fight so he ran over to Lori and tried to help her up... But Lori is too damaged and hurt to get up...

Lola flew up and she launched a kick into Leni which made Leni fall into the hard ground, rolling... Insane Luan and Dark Lola was just standing there with an evil smile on their faces...

Lynn saw all of that... Two of her sisters trying to hurt two older sisters? Well, thats not right! So she stepped out of the darkness revealing Lynn with a big blade for her hand...

Lynn's red pupil started to glow more and more with hatred and restless anger filling her up... She clenched her teeth as her monster arm blade begin to crawl more into Lynn's body and other arm... Two of her eyes became as pure as black as the spreading of the blade began to crawl on her... She was in a fighting position and she finally said with a deeper and scarier voice...


Lynn became a monster which sent her running like a crazy wild wolf... She run at 2 hands and 2 feet and charging towards Luan... She swinged her blade to Luan's face but she simply blocked it with her tentacle...

Lynn kicked Luan in the stomach for being distracted which sent Luan rolling on the hard ground...

Lynn saw Lola's presence right infront of her so she charged a running attack to Lola... Lola flew higher so that Lynn can't catch up with her...

Dark Lola: Ha! You can't even get me up here! NEH NEH NE NEH NEEEEH!
Lynn: *High Growls* RAAAAAA!!!!
Dark Lola: Oh crap...

Lynn ran around in a big circle which sent Lola confused... Then Lynn jumped as high as she can and striked Lola in the head with her blade! Lola fell hard on the ground... Both of the enemies were unconscious...

Lynn was so tired she huffed so bad... The spreading was stopped and came back into her arm which became an arm shield... The other black eye became a normal eye while the other black eye stopped glowing brighter... Lynn sat on the ground trying to catch her breath... So she inhaled and exhaled...

Lynn: Wow... I'd never thought I will be that fast and angry... Note to self, control my anger again...

The two of her Older Sisters was there in shock on how Lynn fought to those 2 creepy sisters... They stood up and went infront of Lynn with a blank expression on two of their faces...

Lori: Lyynnn...
Lynn: I'm dead am I?

Their blank expressions became into happy expressions... Lori and Leni cheered for Lynn's victory... Lynn smiled and said...

Lynn: Yep... Im Awesome!
Lori: Thanks for saving our lives Lynn!
Leni: But we are still alive Lori, she didn't even saved it...
Lori: *Groan* It means, If she wasn't there, we wouldn't be waking up in our nightmare...

The room started to fill with light as the darkness shattered into pieces...

Lynn: Well here is our stop... I'll meet you at home Lori and Leni...
Lori: Yeah you too!
Leni: Thanks for everything Lynn...

The two stared at Leni because she just created a meaningful speech...

Leni: What?

Lynn: See ya!
Lori and Leni: See you Lynn!

Back in reality

The three woke up... Lori and Leni was in the dark corner around the streets... While Lynn... She woke up only to see Francisco, nonstop crying at her side...

Lynn: Don't Worry Francisco... I am here now...
Francisco: LYNNN!

The two hugged underneath the tree while they watch the sunset together...

What a sweet ending! Well here you go folks! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

SEE YA :3!

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