From Newt

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Newt was hesitant at first whether he should start his idea at all, or just throw it all away. But being the Newt who always had faith and believed no matter what. Being the kind of person who never gives up on someone so easily, especially Thomas, Newt picked up a used ballpoint pen up and started scribbling onto a piece of paper.

To Tommy.

Newt paused for a second, the tip of his pen clicking. So many things to tell him, so many. Yet Newt's mind was as blank as the plains of the formidable Scorch. So many things, and he hadn't the slightest idea where to begin with. So many. . .

You must forgive me, I don't really know where to start. I have so many things in mind right now...

His ballpoint pen did not betray his feelings.

You're probably safe with Minho and the rest now by the time this letter reaches your hands. And if that's the case, then I just want to say I'm happy for you. You totally deserve the freedom there, afterall that's all we've ever fought for since the Glade. But most of all, you earn peace and serenity and I do hope the haven gives you a taste of that. You and Minho —

Newt stopped writing as a single drop of tear built up and trickled down onto the piece of paper. He hated himself for this. Thomas deserved to be happy, and he should not be the one causing any anxiousness. Newt took one deep breath and continued writing.

Those shucks who took me from the Berg — they injected something that triggered my past memory. And I now know all about it, Tommy . How you, Teresa, and Aris used to work for WICKED. Used to watch me outside of the maze. But that doesn't matter at all. I just want to let you know that no matter how cruel the past may have been, I will always trust you, and you're gonna be my friend no matter what. Growing in the maze I don't have much people I know but knowing you was one of the best things that have ever happened in my life.

A wave of nostalgia came crashing. Pictures of the Gladers together, working out through the hardest times were ironically the best moments of Newt's life. Moments like these gave him a warm, fuzzy feeling that he couldn't ask for anywhere else. Perhaps that was the only thing he was grateful of WICKED. He hoped ending the letter on that note would also give Thomas — his Tommy that same warm fuzzy feeling. He hoped that somehow, it will give Thomas a sense that no matter what happens, he'll still — always — be there for him.

Newt was about to fold the letter when he suddenly remembered something. The main point of this whole letter, actually. Sometimes his mind can go a bit past the Gone these days. His veiny hands reached for the pen again.

I'd probably be gone as you are reading this. I know that it hurts. Hurts to be the one to hold all the pressure and expectations from every side. But trust me Tommy, what you have done was the right thing. I'd be much better sleeping than killing off dozens of innocent people. And no matter what the others may say, you still have me supporting you always.

P.S. Tell Minho I'm sorry for everything. I hope he still keeps those good old days in his mind and forgive my obnoxious actions. I just wanted you to know that you two are the very people that keep me going on and not give up. Tell him whatever I said, he'll always be my friend forever.

It's for the best Tommy, and I know that deep in your heart you understand.

The paper was fold in half and slit inside a clean envelope as Newt wrote the words in front of it:


Dear Newt: a collection of letters from the gladeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora