"You can shower If you'd like? I'll throw your clothes in the washer..."

He nodded before disappearing into the bathroom and bringing back yesterday's clothes, "Thank you." He disappeared again and I made my way to the laundry room. I had no special technique to washing clothes. I'd just wash everything in one load and crossed my fingers that everything came out okay. I needed to change that habit soon.

"Did you bang the drummer?"

"Shit." I jumped almost dropping the laundry detergent. My hand coming over my heart as I caught my breath from the fright. "Xander, you can't sneak up on me like that."

Xander had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned his shoulder against the doorway with a smirk across his face. "Didn't think you had it in you, T. But then again you have learned from the best." He boasted as he referred to himself.

"Nothing happened!" I shook my head before twisting the top back on the detergent. "He was exhausted and didn't feel like driving back into the hills." I was just doing the guy a favor.

"And while you were cleaning him up, he leaned in for that magical Hollywood kiss and you didn't resist because a man with battle wounds is some sick turn on to women. Before you know it, your fingers were tangled in his hair and..." He sighed, wagging a finger at me. "I know how this goes. It's in all the movies. You're a dirty girl, Talia."

"I don't know what kind of movies you're watching, but that's far from what happened."


"What time did mom and dad get back?" I asked Xander as I stood a few feet away from the stove while I flipped pieces of bacon. I'd always manage to get popped in the eyes, face or arms with grease when I made bacon and I hated it.

"Maybe some time around three? I'm not sure." Xander stood on my left, making scrambled eggs. He elected to help make breakfast after my first official "hook up." Apparently, if I made Ashton breakfast the morning after he would come back for round two sooner than I expected. I couldn't argue so I let Xander believe what he wanted to.

"Something smells good!" My mom entered the kitchen in her lavender silk robe, tightening the straps at her waist. "What's the occasion?"

"Talia's first sexcapade!"

"What does that mean?" My mom asked innocently.

"Nothing mom." Xander smiled and shook his head, turning back to the pan of eggs that were almost ready.

"Uh." Ashton cleared his throat to get my attention.

I looked up from the stove. Ashton stood ahead of me in only a towel. His hair was still soaked and had water dripping from it that landed on his chest.

"Who is this naked young man in my kitchen? My mother crossed her arms, shooting me a playful look. I knew she wanted to be angry at me for this, but, really, she didn't care. The closer she was to becoming a grandma the better her life was according to her. "He's slightly beat up, but it adds to his allure."

I could already hear Xander saying, "I told you so," in my head.

"Mom, this is Ashton." I walked towards Ashton, grabbing his forearm and pulling him towards my mom. "Ashton this is my very lovely mother." They exchanged a friendly shake.

"Please call me Lena!" My mom fanned herself as she took in Ashton's appearance, receiving a chuckle from him. He probably had this happen often. "Or call me mom, yes?" I shot her a glare before flashing a fake smile. Leave it to my mom to embarrass me and herself.

"I'll stick to Lena. It's nice to meet you!" Ashton adjusted his towel, tightening it as it might've come loose. "Were my clothes ready, Talia?"

"I haven't put them in the dryer yet. I'm sorry." I rubbed my forehead. "I got distracted with cooking."

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