"Well, yeah but how am I going to surprise him?"

"I don't know. It's your day. What would you do?" Tomo-chan asked me back.

Her suggestion did make me think. Yes, I wanted to surprise Ryoma-kun since it would be our monthsary. Not to think that it was already December--my eyes widened at a sudden realization.

"That's it, Tomo-chan!" I shrieked holding both of her hands with mine, "I know what to do tomorrow!"

"You do?" My best friend raised an eyebrow like she didn't suggest the surprise in the first place. I hit her arm lightly before she laughed at me, "That's good then. Good luck tomorrow."

"Un." I nodded at her before giving her a sly smile, "What about you and Kaidoh-senpai?"

Her cheeks blushed a little at the mention of her boyfriend, "What about us?"

"Aren't you going to celebrate--"

"Stop right there, Sakuno!" She interrupted me as she placed her hand in front of me, "Not my monthsary, it's yours."

I couldn't help but giggle at her reaction. I was glad that Tomo-chan was happy in her own relationship. She was always there to help me build my own relationship with my boyfriend. I would do the same to her and that was for sure.


I had everything ready for today. It the 14th day of December. The snow was already falling at this time of year but the place was big enough to block all the flakes as my best friend checked it this morning.

Walking on my way to the court, I saw Ryoma-kun warming in the corner. The others were doing the same thing as him. It would take a couple of minutes before they ran laps. I had to catch his attention before that happened.

I walked near the fence where he was warming up with Momo-chan-senpai. A smile was brought to my face as I saw them concentrating on their activities. I was planning of giving them more time before getting Ryoma-kun's attention but he noticed me right away. I waved at him immediately. When he stopped warming up, I quickly made my way to the both of them.

"Ohayou Ryoma-kun, Momo-chan-senpai!" I bowed in front of them.

"Ohayou, Ryuzaki-san," Senpai greeted me back while my boyfriend just nodded, "You're early today. Are you going to watch us practice?"

I shook my head no as I stared at them, "I just want to tell Ryoma-kun something," My eyes went to him, "Can we meet later? In the lake?"

"The lake?" Ryoma-kun repeated.

"Yeah, the lake," I said. Blush was present on my face. Senpai was listening to us but I thought that it was fine. He would start teasing us, I guess and I would never hear the end of it. I began walking backwards slowly not tearing my eyes on him, "Let's just meet there after school, okay? I'll see you later." With that, I turned around to get to my first class, not waiting for his answer. I didn't let him give me another option.

I wouldn't take no for an answer anyway.


I couldn't stop the excitement that I was feeling at the moment. The lake brought nice memories to the both of us. The legend, the story, the kiss.

Our first kiss.

My cheek felt hot at that particular memory we had. I wanted the day to become memorable too so I followed Tomo-chan's advice.

Walking towards the tree that was just beside the lake, I dropped the basket near the root and spread the blanket underneath the shade. I placed the basket within the blanket and decided to take the food out when Ryoma-kun arrived. Leaning on the trunk of the tree, I stared at the lake in front of me.  Ryoma-kun was still practicing at this moment. I had a full thirty minutes to enjoy the view and the view was actually worth waiting.

On the 14thsWhere stories live. Discover now