Rose Day

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Hye! I am back!!! I hope you like this chapter. Domo!!!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Prince of Tennis and never will.

Chapter 5: Rose Day (May)

Chapter Summary: He surprised her... and everyone.

"Class! Listen up!"

I groaned as I lifted my head from my desk. It wasn't the teacher's voice that made me wake up from my nap, it was the stick that he was hitting on his desk.

Was that even common in this era?

The teacher called our attention once again. I looked at him and waited for what he was about to say.

"Tomorrow we will be observing a special event that also hold in Korea so I want each of you to participate."

"What do you mean by that sensei?" One of my classmates raised his hand and asked that.

The teacher looked at him and answered in another question, "Do you know the event in Korea tomorrow?" The student who asked just shrugged. The teacher looked at us, "Anyone?"

We all remained silent. We didn't really know the event he was talking about. Sensei sighed and started speaking.

"Tomorrow is Rose Day," Murmurs erupted in the class. I bet most of us were wondering what the event meant. I never cared what it meant anyway, "Silence! You have to participate in this event no matter what. Secretly or not."

I stared at our teacher. Was he really serious about that?

"What is Rose Day, sensei?"

"What are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Rose Day is actually a day for couples," Another set of murmurs erupted in the class, "I know some of you are single, some of you are taken or committed and some of you have crushes or anything of the sort," The noise intensified, "Don't get your hopes up guys! This is not about finding a partner right away. This is to observe one's feelings and you are to take this event seriously."

Somehow, I didn't like what this was about. I had the feeling that this was not going well.

"But we will make it fun and interesting," The teacher walked around his desk and stood in front looking at us, "Tomorrow, you will all wear yellow shirts and carry a bouquet of roses. You will exchange the flowers to your partners if you are a couple. If not just give it to the person you admire. If he or she doesn't accept it, you have just to go with it."

"Isn't that a bit harsh? If the flowers will be rejected by the person you like?"

"This is why you have to take it seriously. You have to give the flowers if you truly meant it, if not you better back out and give it to your second best."

"That's harsher because you will know that you are second best."

"The best way not to offend them is to tell them beforehand. This is about the act of communication, not to offend them."

Murmurs and whispers erupted once again.

"For the people who will reject the flowers harshly, I'll make sure to see you after school." His voice was filled with poisonous venom. I could feel in his tone that it was something not to mess with.

"You can do things your own way. Celebrate the day to express your feelings like Valentine's and White Day. Tomorrow will be the day for the couples. It's your chance to express your love to each other. You wouldn't thought, it could help you dealing with this kind of problem."

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