Chapter Two

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I feel numb at my core.

How could he betray me like this, after all we've been through together? Dates, kisses, romantic nights under the stars—was that all for nothing? What was he thinking when I was rambling on and on about our future together?

I feel like such an idiot.

At the reception afterwards, those not chosen are allowed to stay for a little while. Fear pricks at my stomach, wondering what lies in store for me in the Lower District. I've heard horrid rumors of how the unchosen girls are used as "breeders" for Bayfell. How long do I have before I'm forced to have a child?

I shudder.

Amanda and Mark dance together amongst the other happy couples, and I stand along the wall with other girls like me—tear-stained, heartbroken, or hopeless. How can my friends just leave me here in this state?

They are all traitors—just like Brenden.

Just then, I see Brenden and Lucille pass by right in front of me, holding hands and laughing. Brenden catches my eye and stops. Lucille tugs on his arm, and I see her mouth, "Ignore her."

But he doesn't. He walks up to me, running his fingers awkwardly through his wavy black hair. "I owe you an explanation."

I cross my arms and glare at him. "Whatever it is, it's never going to make up for what you just did to me. You realize I'm never going to see my parents again? I'm never going to be free again."

He looks down at the ground in shame. Good.

"I met Lucille a month ago," he says. Before I can tell him to just shut up, he continues, stumbling over his words clumsily, "I—I fell for her harder than I should have, and I know I should have told you, but you seemed so hopeful—so excited. I didn't want to ruin that for you."

"But you could have given me time, Brenden! I needed that precious time to figure out what to do! I could have found someone else..."

Brenden's eyes narrow. "I didn't want you to find someone else—Viv, I still love you... but Lucille just means more." Lucille stands a couple of feet away, checking her nails for cracks or blemishes. She then eyes me with beady blue eyes

I never realized how much of an idiot Brenden is until now. As smart as he may be in the classroom, he has no idea how to lay this on me lightly. This is pure cruelty.

I ball up my fists, fury pulsing through my veins. How could I have ever loved such a—"You selfish, idiotic, insolent son of a—"

Lucille dashes forward as I gain on Brenden, getting right in his face. She pulls him away and glares at me. "How unladylike!" she says in a high-pitched voice. "Come on, Bunny. We no longer associate with her kind."

Bunny? My kind?

I've had enough. Before I can make a break for who-knows-where, the unclaimed are called to gather in the entrance hall outside the reception hall. Slowly, with my head lowered to my chest in shame of who I now am, I follow the stream of sobbing girls past the now silent crowd of those fortunate enough to be loved. I catch Amanda heading towards me, but I quicken my pace so I don't have to face her. I can't.

Outside in the entrance hall, there are about thirty of us clumped together like a scared herd of sheep. A girl I don't even know grabs my hand, and surprisingly, I don't let go.

A woman stands in front of the door, facing us with a plastered on smile. "Hello, ladies! You are the select few who will be doing a great duty to the kingdom of Bayfell, and from the king and queen themselves, they want to thank you."

The Untold Story of the Lower District (Prequel to The Claiming)Where stories live. Discover now