Chapter 8 Kelsey (J)

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Chapter 8 Jake

Megan turned out to be in my gym class also. I wonder what her sister is like. Is she just as amazing as Megan?

"Hey, Jake! Wake up man?" Chase says beside me.

"Hey, Sorry I spaced."

"Yea I can tell." He snorts. "We are going to the club tonight for dinner."

The club is a beat up shack off the main road that my friends and I like to hang out at.

"Alright, What time?


"I will be there." I tell him before going to my car.

"Hey, Jake" I hear some one yell behind me.

It's Kelsey. Kelsey has been my girlfriend for the past 3 months. Honestly she drives me nuts sometimes but she is caring and sweet.

"Hey, babe," I kiss her on the cheek.

Her smile grows. "Are we going to the club tonight?"

"I am. I could pick you up if you want." I suggest as we stop outside my 1997 explorer.

"That would be great!" She kisses me good bye and walks away.

I watch her leave, her black hair is spilled down her back and some how her grey eyes can persuade me do anything.

I wonder if Megan would want to come tonight, or if Kelsey has met her.

At the club it's the same as always. We play pool make out drink pop and then crash at my house.

I wonder why we do this every Monday.


I am sitting in health class waiting for Megan. As she walks in her face flushes red again because everyone looks at her.

"Hey," She smiles at me.

Her smile is so perfect and I catch myself staring. "Ehh... Hey."

I feel my face start to burn as the blood rushes to my cheeks. She starts to laugh, obviously not knowing the effect she has on people.

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