Chapter One

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A small chorus of jingles alarmed me as I lay in bed early in the morning. I turned my head to my bedside table, where a glass of milk and beautifully decorated cookies were perched on a china plate. I stretched my arms and sat up, taking a small sip of milk and a nibble of a cookie. My daily dress that Marmaduke left this morning was lain across the golden chair by the fireplace. I stood up and wandered over to the dress, slowly running my fingers over the delicate material. It had small silver pearls around the neck, and the body was a stunning baby blue. It was my favourite dress for I had worn it during the best times of my life. I had worn it attending a dinner where I met the people of Silverydew, the nearby village, and when Loveday and Uncle were married, for I had been their maid of honour. I slipped it on and ran a brush through my golden curls, slightly pinning up the front with a clip.

I shuffled out of the door after beautifying myself and down the staircase into the great hall where Uncle Benjamin was by the fireplace reading the paper. Wrolf was sat by his side, panting heavily from the heat of the fire. I could not blame him, it seemed absurd to me that the fire would remain burning through the spring.

"Morning Uncle" I greeted, whilst adjusting my dress for the last step.

"Good morning, Maria" he said, looking up from his paper. "That dress is stunning on you as always". He smiled before glancing back down.

"Thank you Uncle. It is my favourite, as you know from your wedding" I replied, drifting over to the fireplace.

"Loveday spent long enough choosing it." He glanced into the dining hall.  "Breakfast is served, I shall be through in a moment" he folded his newspaper and walked to the letter plate. Of course he was waiting for news of Loveday in the neighbouring valley. She was visiting distant family with her father, the Couer De Noir, in a hope to bring peace to the family. Uncle Benjamin missed her dearly, he would perform the same routine every morning, waiting for news, before sitting at the breakfast table and reading her letter. 

Uncle leaned against the front doors, waiting for the messenger. I waited for a moment, to see if there was any news for me. Unfortunately, the young messenger boy merely handed over a letter and whispered something to my uncle. His expression dropped, and he hurried away to his study with a slam of the door. Before I could ask what was the matter, my stomach growled and forced me to retreat to the dining hall.

Digweed was stood in the corner looking attentively at Ms Heliotrope. I was still sad that Ms Heliotrope had declined Digweed's hand in marriage after the valley was saved. I don't think she would ever be over the death of her previous husband.

Digweed placed my food in front of me, and I thanked him before tucking into my favourite plate of scrambled eggs on french toast.

Uncle strolled through into the dining room and took his place at the end of the table. He looked far less panicked than earlier. He poured his eggnog and took a deep breath, catching both mine and Ms Heliotrope's attention. "Maria, I have a small errand for you this morning." He announced.

"Of course" I agreed, between a mouthful.

"I'd like you to deliver a small token to an old friend of mine in the village. He lives at the end of the northern road, near to the butchers. I would take it myself but I am afraid something has come up." Uncle explained. He didn't make eye contact with me as he spoke.

"I would be delighted. I shall also take Periwinkle for a leg stretch." I replied. Being as nosey as I was, I had an urge to ask what the token was, as it was rare to be asked a favour. Particularly as Uncle almost always had some time on his hands. 

Throughout breakfast, I fought the urge and decided that whatever it was, it must be a delicate matter and I must treat it with the up most respect.

A small while later, I found myself in the small barn, saddling Periwinkle for our small adventure. I glanced over to my Uncle's big bay horse, Agnus, who was happily munching hay. I wondered when I would finally be allowed to ride a proper horse, and gain their strength and power. It would be wonderful to go faster than Periwinkle's little legs could take me. Non the less, I was in no hurry, Periwinkle was a dear friend to me.

I rode to the front of the manor, where Uncle awaited me with the token. It was wrapped carefully in brown paper and delicately placed into my saddle bag. 

"It is very important that this is delivered without hesitation, Maria. I am relying on you." My Uncle said. He had concern on his face, for reasons unknown.

"Don't worry Uncle." I assured him. "It's in the safest hands. No one is going to challenge me anymore." I flashed him a smile, which he quickly returned. He patted Periwinkle and we set off on our adventure. 

As much as I respected my Uncle's word in delivering without expectation, I could not go without my eyes and ears. 

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