♪ 15 - Epilogue I ♪

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You as Nam Ye Jin/Nam Jin Young
Lee Jong Suk as Nam Jin Young
BtoB as themselves
Krystal Jung as Jin Seo Woo
Bae Suzy as Ryu Ae Jin
4 years later
Nam Ye Jin

"Noona, you coming to watch our performance?"

"Mianhae but I can't. You know my flight totally clashed with your concert timing."

"Arraseo, have a safe flight I suppose..."

"Geokjeongma, I'll be back."

"I trust you noona. Bye!"

"Bye Jin Young ah!"

4 years have past and I'm now 23 years old, along with Ae Jin and Jin Young. Today, I'm leaving for Hokkaido, Japan to work. 2 years ago I found a job and now they want me and some of my other colleagues to go to Hokkaido to work for a few months.

BtoB had their comeback a week after the secret was found out and I'm glad my brother doesn't have any sasaeng fans. They all loved him and the song I composed was a big hit (entertainment).

Something weird happened to me just last month. Hyun Sik oppa confessed to me. I feel useless since I don't even know my feelings for him. Also, BtoB oppas doesn't know I'm going to Japan, except for my brother.

Some news for you all, Min Hyuk oppa and Ae Jin unnie are dating. She gave up her feelings for my brother and so did my brother. They agree to remain as best friends and Min Hyuk oppa ask Ae Jin unnie to be his girlfriend right after their drama shooting for 'Love At First Sight'. That drama was a great hit!

I got news from Seo Woo that she's going to pick me up at Hokkaido Airport since she's living in Japan. She told me that I can stay at her house during my time of work. I finished packing up my luggage and headed for the airport but before that, I left letters for BtoB oppas, in case they freak out as to why I'm not around.

Incheon Airport

Soon, I was at Incheon Airport at I saw 3 of my colleagues there already. "Hey guys!" I said to them. "Hey Ye Jin! You're here! Excited?" Ask Gu Jun Pyo (구준표). "Geureom! I'm excited!" I exclaimed.

"Ye Jin ah, can you sit with me in the plane?" Ask Yang Pae San (양패산 杨珮珊). "Ah wae Pae Sannie~ don't you want to sit with me?" Whined Jun Pyo and I chuckled. "No way!" She complained. "Two of you sit together while I'm going to sit with Ye Jin!" Said Ahn Jun Seo (안준서).

"Aigoo~ I'm sitting with neither of you guys!" I joked and they pouted and I laughed. It was to joke with them. They're awesome. Here are my colleagues' information:

Name: Gu Jun Pyo 구준표
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Parents: Mother is a CEO of a Music company and father is a director of a local university.
Name: Yang Pae San 양패산
Nationality: Chinese-Korean
Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea
Parents: Mother is a rich lady-boss of HuaYi Brothers in Guangzhou, China. Father is a wealthy businessman and known in Korea and America.
Name: Ahn Jun Seo 안준서
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Daejeon, South Korea
Parents: Mother is a famous Songwriter at WM Entertainment. Father is a famous Archery player in Korea, Japan and Mexico.

Soon after waiting, our other colleagues have arrived and we boarded the plane to Hokkaido. Goodbye BtoB oppas, Ae Jin unnie and Jim Young. I'll see you all soon.

Im Hyun Sik

"Hyun Sik ah, are you done?" Ask Eun Kwang hyung. I was about to answer when our stylist noona interrupted, "He's almost done so wait for a few more minutes." "Arraseo." Said Eun Kwang hyung.

Soon, stylist noona was done with my hair and we were about to go on stage when Sung Jae suddenly ask Jin Young, "Ye Jin will be here right?" Ye Jin... I confessed to her last month but she hasn't give me an answer yet. I'm scared, what'll she say?

"Ani, she's not coming." Said Jin Young. Mwo? Ye Jin won't be here? Wae? I was about to ask Jin Young when it was time for is to go on stage. Thanks to the comeback song Ye Jin composed, we got quite a popularity and credits goes to her.

After our performance, we headed back to the dorm. "Nam Jin Young, why wasn't Ye Jin there to watch us?" I ask. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to ask him. "Yeah NYoung, why wasn't Ye Jinnie there?" Ask Sung Jae. Ye Jinnie? What the...

"Judging by the time now, she should be pm the plane to Hokkaido now for her job. She didn't want me to tell you all, well that's just my noona. It would've been easier if she was my dongsaeng." Spilled Jim Young.

"How long will she be gone?" Ask Chang Sub hyung and Jin Young shrugged. We went back to our room and on my desk, I saw a pink envelope and I opened it. Inside was a letter from Ye Jin. The letter said:

To my dearest Hyun Sik oppa, mianhae, by the time you see this I'll probably be gone already. Geokjeonghajimaseyo (걱정하지마세 Please don't worry), I'll be safe wherever I am. Because, Seo Woo will be there as well. Hyun Sik oppa, jeongmal joesonghabnida (정말 죄송합니다 really sorry), I couldn't give you an answer even when I left. I hope you'll wait for a few months. I seriously need more time to think about my feelings. I hope you'll give me a chance to wait. I'll probably see you soon, in a few months time. Promise me you'll wait for me? See you soon Hyun Sik oppa!
Love, Ye Jin

I felt a few drops of tear rolling down. I hugged her letter into my chest tightly and mumbled, "I'll wait for you Ye Jin. I'll wait for you..."

Seo Eun Kwang

I went to my room to find a blue envelope on my desk. Hmm, who left it here? I sniff but regret it. Smells like trees instead of perfume. I opened and it's a handwritten letter by Ye Jin.

Annyeong Eun Kwang oppa, by the time you read this I won't be in Korea. I would probably be elsewhere where Seo Woo will join me. It's going to be a few months there so I hope you'll bare with the fact that I'm not around. Be a good leader and treat BtoB well. I hope I can request you to take care of Hyun Sik oppa for me. Please don't let him do silly things. If you're wondering why, please don't even wonder. It's complicated. I'll see you soon Eun Kwang hyung :)
From, Ye Jin

"Ye Jin ah, I'll follow your request." I mumbled.

Lee Min Hyuk

I wen to my room and found a yellow envelope lying on the floor. Who left this? No smell of perfume, who left it? I opened it and read a letter from Ye Jin.

To Min Hyuk oppa, don't ask where am I because Jin Young would probably have told you already. I'll be there once you read this letter. Thank you for everything and I hope you'll live without me for a few months. I have a small favour to ask, please take care of Hyun Sik oppa, Please don't let him do silly things. If you're wondering why, please don't even wonder. It's complicated. I'll see you soon Min Hyuk oppa!
Dearest sister, Ye Jinnie

"Ye Jinnie... I'll miss you."
A/N: I lazy to write all the member's letter. But one thing they all except Hyun Sik have is the sentence: 'Take care of Hyun Sik, don't let him do silly things. If you're wondering why, please don't even wonder. It's complicated'.

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