Chapter 1 Migrant Fleet

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[Nobody's POV]

In the Milky Way near the valhallan threshold cluster there is a large fleet belongs to a alien life form known as "Quarians" best technician in the entire race they ran away from their homeworld a Machine they created know as "Geth" a Artificial intelligence made to serve and protect their creator but things didn't go well war started between the Geth and the Quarians because the Geth said one thing that made every Quarians Fear and that's how the war starts between the Geth and the Quarians. After many years of war between them the Quarians built a massive Fleet of ships that they are aboard 50,000 vessels and their numbers are 17 million Quarians roaming around the Valhalla Threshold. Inside the large Ship there was a Quarian who is a best geth technician her name is Tali'Zorah and behind the doorway a shadow figure is a Rogue geth that shapeshift into any life forms and his name is (Y/n).

He runs away from his kind and joins the Quarians because he has feelings for her and he's waiting for the right time to show her that he is a Geth and he sneaks up behind her then slaps her butt and she squeaks in suprise and he laugh normally.

Tali:(Gasp in suprise) Keelah, stop doing that you almost make my tools fall!

(Y/n):(Laughs) Sorry I can't help it.

Tali:(Sigh) I forgive you (Y/n). Please don't do that again.

(Y/n):(Put his hand on her right shoulder) So Tali'Zorah Whatcha doing?

Tali:Well I'm trying to decipher this Geth it has some Reaper Tech left behind from-

(Y/n):Sovereign the Reaper.

Tali:H-How did you know this??

(Y/n):Lucky guess maybe?

Tali:(turn around and face to face and she really close at their visor) Guessing isn't type of my answer you know? It takes alot of convince me to your says.

(Y/n):Well since my pilgrimage I was roaming the whole galaxy then i arrive one of its systems i heard rumors that there was a attack on the Citadel and he's name is Saren the Turian and his minions are Geth and his flagship is a Reaper that controls them and that Ship is Sovereign the Reaper he takes control the Citadel and making it calling his

Tali shocked that he said and he knows everything lucky for him he was a Geth Infiltrator shapeshift into her kind and she didn't know that he was a actual Geth in disguised she back off little bit space for them to talk.

Tali:Keelah... Look I know you since we fought together but all I know is that how did you get all that information that much? Only the C-sec and Commander Shepard and his crew and also me part of his crew.

(Y/n) Well... I have a friend of mine he spare details of the Sovereign attack of the Citadel and he helps me alot of my pilgrimage back then.

Tali:Hmmm, so who is he anyway and what type of race is he? Or is he (F/n)?

(Y/n):No its not him It's... Classified I can't tell you that Tali'Zorah

Tali:Come just a little-

They were interrupted by a Doorway opens and its Admiral (F/n) came in and they look at him likely a mission briefing and turn around facing him.

(F/n):Hello Tali'Zorah and you too (Y/n).

(Y/n):So Admiral (F/n) what brings you here?

(F/n):One of our people who is on pilgrimage his name is Veetor and he contact us saying monsters took the Human colonies and that's why I want you both investigate what happend there and I'll put forward the details on your omni-tool Goodluck Tali and (Y/n).

Rogue Geth Reader x Tali'ZorahTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang