...And there were Stokes all through the house.

Start from the beginning

"Something tells me that Brittany will end up majoring in theater in college. Then she'll make her way to New York to perform on Broadway." Emma Grace had her hand safely tucked into the crook of Nick's arm as they walked along the sidewalk after the play was over.

"I love how Brittany is only seven-years-old, and you're already supporting her in huge dreams." Nick smiled down at the woman who believed in everyone. That was one of her qualities he loved about her.

"I'm always going to believe in our nieces and nephews." Emma Grace had a proud smile on her face.

"I'm glad Marie and Katlin were able to come back for Christmas. It seems like they've always been a part of this family." Nick had grown very fond of the two girls that had stolen Emma Grace's heart.

"Me too. I know they're great medicine for Megan. She was really worried that she wouldn't be able to raise this baby without David's help. Taking care of Marie and Katlin are showing her that she's going to be a great mother, with or without David."

"I still can't believe that David just walked out on Megan after she told him about the baby." Nick didn't even try to hide the disgust in his tone.

"He's just screwing himself out of something amazing, but Megan knows she won't be alone in this. I won't let her be." Emma Grace smiled at Nick and gave his arm a comforting squeeze.

The couple stopped at a booth that was serving hot chocolate and got some. They found an empty bench and sat down.

"How's all the paperwork for the house coming along?" Emma Grace had finally told Nick about the offer she received to move to Vegas.

"It's going pretty well. I still can't believe I'm going to live in Vegas. Even if it is for just a few months." Emma Grace had decided to live in Vegas for two months starting in April. Megan was moving in with Emma Grace so that she could have a fresh start and help in raising her baby that would probably be born soon after the move.

Nick didn't say anything but continued to nervously draw circles on Emma Grace's hand.

"What's going on in that head of yours Nick?" Emma Grace had turned, so she was eye to eye with Nick.

"I've been thinking about something." Nick's voice was low, and Emma Grace knew whatever came out of Nick's mouth next would change things.

"Okay." Emma Grace's voice was cautious, but she was going to listen to whatever Nick had to say.

"What do you think of us trying this dating thing again? We've both done a lot of growing up since the last time." Nick was having a hard time keeping eye contact with Emma Grace.

Emma Grace sat in silence for a few minutes. She wanted nothing more than to try at this relationship thing again with Nick, but she was scared. What was different this time was that Emma Grace knew she was in love with Nick.

"Don't hate me Nick, but can I give you an answer when we get home?" Emma was close to crying.

"Of-of course, Gracie." Nick's hands were slightly shaking, but he hid that fact from Emma Grace. The couple walked back home in silence.

When they arrived back at the Stokes home, Emma Grace rushed into the house and surrounded herself with her nieces, Marie, and Katlin. Nick was confused and nervous, but he wasn't going to push Emma Grace for an answer.


Later that night the family was introducing Warrick and Greg to their tradition of making gingerbread houses. Nick had told Warrick, Greg, and Chris about his conversation with Emma Grace. All three men were watching Nick and Emma Grace closely to see what would happen.

Emma Grace was whispering and giggling with Megan, Maya, Ashley, Marie, and Katlin. The six of them were up to something, but no one knew what. Marie and Katlin disappeared into the kitchen with Ashley while Emma Grace helped place the finished gingerbread houses on display. When she was done, Emma Grace went outside.

Nick was about to follow after Emma Grace when he felt someone pull on his shirt sleeve. Nick looked down and saw Marie and Katlin staring at him with smiles on their faces.

"What's up, Beautifuls?" Nick gave the girls his full attention.

"We helped Ms. Emma make some fudge." Marie was the first one to speak.

"And we were wondering if you wanted some." Katlin finished the conversation and presented Nick with peanut butter fudge. 

(AN: I suggest reading the chapter titled "the one time Nick Stokes liked peanut butter" to truly appreciate what is about to happen next.)

A huge smile made it to Nick's face as he accepted a piece of the peanut butter fudge. Warrick and Greg were confused because they knew Nick didn't like peanut butter, but Chris was smiling, he was pretty sure he knew what was about to happen.

Nick thanked the girls and headed outside with his uneaten fudge. As Nick was heading out the door, he heard Chris say, "Warrick, Greg, let me tell you a story about the one time Nick decided he liked peanut butter..."

Nick wasn't surprised when he found Emma Grace standing against the railing of the porch. Nick walked within reaching distance of Emma Grace, but he didn't touch her. Instead, he placed the piece of peanut butter fudge on the plate resting on the porch railing and picked up the chocolate piece that Emma Grace had put on the plate.

Emma Grace picked up the peanut butter fudge and took a bite. The couple stood in silence while they ate their fudge.

"The idea of us failing again scares me, Nicky. I don't want to lose you again." Emma Grace whispered the words to Nick with her back still to him.

Nick wrapped his arms around Emma Grace. "I am too Gracie. But I can't keep living in the land of what if."

Emma Grace turned around to face Nick. She wrapped her arms around Nick's neck and hugged him. Nick hugged Emma back. "Look up Nicky." Emma Grace whispered in Nick's ear.

Nick looked up and saw that they were standing under the mistletoe. Nick looked back at Emma Grace with a question in his eyes. Emma Grace raised up on her tiptoes and kissed Nick.

The couple broke apart only when they needed to breathe. They rested their foreheads against each other. Nick licked his lips and chuckled.

"You're determined to make me like peanut butter, aren't you?"

"Yes, but, more importantly, I want this kiss to end the way it should've all those years ago. I want to try the dating thing again Nicky. I'm tired of living in the land of what if too." Tears fell from Emma Grace's eyes, but they were happy tears this time.

"Thank you, Sweetheart," Nick whispered the words as he wiped away the tears on Emma Grace's cheek and let his own tears fall.

Emma Grace wiped away Nick's tears. Neither one used the L-word, but they knew they didn't need to. They both knew their relationship was something more than just friendship, and they were going to try and figure out what all their relationship really was.

The two sealed their unspoken deal with a kiss.

Of course, when they reentered the house, the whole family knew the two were going to attempt being a couple again. Warrick and Greg had been filled in on the significance of peanut butter fudge and had huge grins on their faces.

Nick and Emma Grace sat down and cuddled on the couch as the family started watching It's A Wonderful Life. Greg leaned over to whisper to Warrick; "looks like our boy finally decided to settle down." Warrick just gave Greg a knowing smile in agreement.

Needless to say, Christmas in the Stokes home was filled with love and magic, and it wouldn't be one any of the family would forget anytime soon.

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