The Truth Comes Out

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"Would you like the honest answer, or a terrible lie that I made up in about thirty seconds?"

"Honest. Please be honest, Avory."

"Okay. It's true, I have been avoiding you. But I have a good reason. Xavier, as much as it pains me to say this, I have to. I don't love you. Well, I do, but as a brother, not a lover. When I found out that you were my Other Half, I wasn't over joyed. I was kind of disappointed. I knew that with you being my Other Half, neither of us would ever be truly happy. We'd both just be living a lie. Eventually you would catch on that I didn't love you. I just thought that if I avoided you, no one would get hurt."

"Avory, you had to know that you can't avoid me forever."

"I know."

"Then why try? Us being together is inevitable. It's going to happen, wether you like it or not."

"But I'll never love you Xavier!" My voice got louder. I couldn't help it, he just made me angry.

"Any why not?" He cried out

"Because I love someone else!" I shouted, way louder than I meant to. Thankfully, the street was deserted, except for us.

"You- You what?"

"I love someone else. Noah. I love Noah." It felt weird admitting it out loud. I had thought about it many times. It's crazy, I know. I'd known the guy for a week and now I was saying I loved him? No one can fall in love with somebody in a week, right? Wrong. I was proof of that. Because I'm definitely in love Noah, no doubt about it.

"That guy you're tutoring? You've known him for a week! A week for god's sake! You've known me for your whole life! How could you love him and not me? Huh? It just doesn't make sense!"

"He just makes me happy. You don't understand. When I'm around him, I'm happy. I could be in the worst mood all day, but then I see him, and my day is suddenly ten times better. It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't, but he just has that effect on me. Even when he says the stupidest things, I still laugh. He just makes me happy in a way that you never have." I didn't mean for it to sound like that. Telling one of your best friends that they can never make you happy is something you don't want to do. Believe me, there is no nice way to do it.

"You know what? That doesn't matter! You're with me and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm your Other Half and you can't change that."

"Xavier, I'm going to end up with Noah. I deserve this. I deserve my fairy tale ending. And I'm going to do whatever in my power I can to make sure I get it. I'm going to get it." And with that, I walked off.

   I tried my hardest not to look back, but I couldn't help it. I instantly regretted it. He just stood there, a blank expression on his face. It made my insides churn.

How could I have done that to him? How? I'd known Noah a week and there I was confessing my love for him to my Other Half. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't even know if Noah loved me back. Actually, I didn't even know if he shared any feelings for me. When did my life become so confusing?

   As I walked up to my front door, a feeling of pure guilt washed through me. Why had I done that? What possessed me to tell him that? I don’t even know if Noah feels the same way about me. And even if he does, it surely isn’t love for me. So what do I do if he doesn’t love me? I can’t go back to Xavier.  And what if Xavier tells someone? I can’t exactly take down The Society if they kill me first.

  I opened my door, only to be greeted by Kendra. I forgot she was coming over. Oops.

“Hey Kendra!”

“Hey. Let’s go up to your room.” She grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me up the stairs and in to my room. I slammed the door shut and plopped on to my bed.

“So there’s a reason I asked you over. And it’s super secret and you can’t tell anybody. I mean it. No one can know.” I said in a serious voice

“Okay. What is it?”

“Well, it’s two things. The first one kind of leads up to the second one.  I’m in love with someone, and it’s not Xavier.” I bowed my head down, not willing to look at her face. I didn’t need to. I already knew there was a look of shock.

“You what?” She muttered after a moment of silence

“I’m in love with Noah. But that’s not even the biggest part. There are people against The Society. People like us. Rebels. And I’m the leader of them.” She made a sound, sort of like a shriek mixed with choking. I don’t know. But I do know that it was not a pretty sound, and it made me jump.

“No way!” She screamed, lunging at me

“Yeah.  And that leaves me with my next question. Do you want to join? We need more people, Kendra. But before you answer, I have to tell you. It’s going to be dangerous. We could all die, or we could win and the world would be a better place. It’s your choice.” As soon as I finished my sentence, she started bouncing around and making odd sounds. Is that a yes? A no?

“Is that a yes?” I asked

“Duh! I’ve always wanted something like this to happen, and now I get a chance to be a part of it!”

   I smiled. At least I get to go through this with my best friend. If we die, we’ll die together. That seems like a pretty good way to go if you ask me. Fighting to better the world and with my best friend. That’s all a person could ask for if they die I guess.

    I'm back!!!! Well, not really. I'm at my grandma's house right now because my computer is broken and this is the only way I could upload. And yeah, I know it's like two weeks late, but hope you liked the chapter. But I don't know how often I'm going to be able to update for the next month or so because, like I said, my computer is broken. I sat on it by accident (long story haha) and I have to send it off to the fixer people to get it fixed and it's gonna be gone for a while :(

  But I'll try to update as much as I can, even if it means practically living at my grandma's house for a month or so :D

   Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Comment, vote, fan, whatever! Do what you do

2 0 4 0 [probably never going to finish.]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon