Chapter 6 - Henry

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You woke up the next morning to the lost boys shouting. You got up and rubbed your eyes. They were running into the woods.

"Now where are they going?" You wondered out loud.

"To play, of course." Pan's distinct voice said from behind you. You turned around. He was leaning against a tree, with his usual smirk plastered on his face.

You groaned. You did NOT want to talk to him right now. He wanted to hurt Henry, for goodness sake! Well, you didn't know that, but that's what you assumed.

Peter walked over and sat next to you. "Actually, I thought about what you said last night." He seemed, wait, genuine? Since when is Peter Pan genuine?!

"You deserve to know the truth." You looked into his eyes, and he looked into yours. "I, I need Henry's heart."

"His HEART?!" You freaked out. Literally his heart?! What could he possibly want with that?!

"Just listen, alright?" He was still calm and not being his usual smart-alic self, so you listened.

"Magic on Neverland is dying." Peter said. "The only thing that can save it is the heart of the truest believer, and that's Henry's heart." He stared at you intently. "I've been looking for him for a very long time, (y/n), before he was even born. Do you see how important this is?" He took a rolled up piece of paper out of his pocket.

You gasped. It was a picture of Henry! So he was telling the truth. After all, you could tell the scroll was old, and Pan seemed so sincere.

"But what will happen to him?" You looked pack up to Peter. "If he saves magic, what happens to Henry?"

Pan sighed. "No magic is with out risk, (y/n). I really don't know."

Your heart stopped. He didn't know?! What if it did something to Henry?! What if it killed him?!

"But don't you see how important this is?!" Pan said. "Neverland runs on magic. If it dies, everything on it does, too."

You didn't know what to do. You loved Henry, even though you only knew him a day. But Peter seemed so worried about Neverland, and... You knew what you had to do.

"I understand, Peter." You said, using his first name. "Thank you for being honest with me. I'll tell you what you need to know." You smiled.

He smiled back. "Thank you, (y/n)."


You told him everything. About Henry's interests, his family, the day you met him, everything. Peter hung on to every word you said. You actually didn't hate him anymore. You understood why he brought you here and why he needed Henry. You loved his genuine smile, his intriguing green eyes, and just everything about him.

Wait. You thought. Am I falling for Peter Pan?

You did spend the entire day talking to him. He was sincere with you, and that made you feel special. When you were with him, you felt... complete. You were so lonely in Storybrooke and Peter has made you feel like anything but lost. So you thought...

Yes. You are falling for Peter Pan. And you're falling hard.

SIGH. How was that?? You're finally starting to warm up to each other! I can't wait to write these next few chapters; I have so many ideas! If you have any ideas, let me know! And please comment if you like this, I want to know if you do! - B

P.S. Did you like my Rumple quote from season 4?? :)

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