40 useless facts about me

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tagged by: imnotysaa

1. i can do a little yoga

2. i love computer

3. im definitely not in the honor's list :D

4. i just ordered slime from snoopslimes in Instagram

5. the slime was $24.49

6. i only have ₱300 left in my bank acc :')

7. i once told someone that i live in P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney (reference to finding nemo) and the guy actually took it seriously.

8. im a living meme

9. im hella sarcastic so go tf away if u cant handle me

10. i love kids

11. but kids are scared of me

12. NH^ntai crashed my phone's video thingy so i had to restart it

13. my hands are 🙅

14. especially the veins 🙅🙅

15. if i don't live for slime, i live for ahegaos

16. don't search it up, its 🙅

17: my favorite emoji is 🙅


19. all star is stuck in my head

20. i dance in public a lot. (i kept on dancing go go in the supermarket ffs)

21. i drink milo a lot

22: ksp people are a huge no-no in my life 🙅

23. fckin gudak, y u gotta be in apple

24. ya apple users are rich smh

25-40. ye i got none.

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