Chapter 19 - The Mastermind

Start from the beginning

"You really did something bad, hm?" a voice said.

Jacob looked around for the source of the sound. He could recognize the sound, it was someone he knew but not someone who was in this room right now.

"W-what?" Jacob said.

The five students in the room with him heard Jacob's voice and stared at him but they didn't respond.

From the corner of the room, Jacob saw a figure. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with no sleeves, along with tight blue jeans and lenses placed on his eyes which were most likely for reading.

"I have to admit, Jacob. You really did something horrible, they trusted you alot more than I thought would be possible but yet you went and did this for something you don't even have proof is true."

Jacob stared at the figure in confusion, "Wait.. Joseph?" he said.

The five students' eyebrows rose in confusion, "Joseph? What are you talking about."

Jacob didn't seem to notice their talk, his eyes were fixed on the figure in the corner that looked and sounded like Joseph.

"He's right" another voice said, and to the right of Abby walked Benedict in his fluffy jacket, blue shorts and white gloves, "You fucked up man."

"Benedict too?" Jacob said as he began standing up slowly, "H-how?"

"Poor thing" a third voice said, and from the opposite side of the room where Carlos, Simon and Marco was, stood Rachel in her red skirt and high heel boots along with her bright red shirts.

Beside Rachel was Lisa, wearing her pink shirt and her long skirt of the matching color. Lisa walked up to Jacob slowly, raising her hand to the boy and for a second Jacob thought he could feel her touch his cheek.

"Guilt is a hard thing to overcome, Jacob" she said before stepping back to Rachel.

Jacob rubbed his cheek lightly, she had felt real just for a second but he didn't believe that. He rubbed his eyes fast, hoping they would go away but as he removed his eyes his eyes widened.

The four people meant to be dead weren't gone, they were still there, and with them had appeared Frankie who was smiling cheerfully towards Jacob, along with Joy who was crouched against the back wall.

"N-No. You should be dead! All six of you shouldn't be here!"

Jacob clenched his fists as Marco, Simon, Carlos, Abby and Lexi shared confused stares as they watched the boy stand there staring at what they saw as empty space in the room.

"We are dead, Jacob. But that doesn't mean all of us is gone, does it? You were never really the type to think death is the end weren't you?"

Stacey had appeared beside Benedict, the two of them hugging closely as Stacey stared towards Jacob.

"Y-you can't just come back after death, it's impossible..." Jacob said.

"Then explain how you are seeing us" Samuel said as he appeared from between Marco and Simon.

"I-I'm seeing things, that's all. I know what's going on and so I can control it! Just get out of my head!"

Jacob closed his eyes tightly as he trurned to the wall, placing his head on the wall. He then turned back around and opened his eyes slowly to find the room empty except for the other five surviving students.


From below his vision jumped Marcus, he stood right in front of Jacob and his scared caused Jacob to fall back on his ass as his head hit the wall causing him to feel a little pain.

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