Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials

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The laughter had been going on for a few seconds now, but no one cared to comment on it, nor tell the bear to stop, but even without them having to say it the laughter stopped and soon enough Monokuma came out from the library door to greet the students who were staring at the empty air with the door to the Control Room closed.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost, or maybe just a dead body! Upupu" Monokuma said as he stopped a meter from Marco who was leaning against the corner of the left wall.

Lexi and Abby, both now sitting with her legs pulled up to their chests and their arms hugging them tightly, were refusing to look anywhere else except at their own legs, while Simon was in front of the Control Room door so it couldn't be opened just yet.

Jacob, standing against the wall to the left of the Control Room door, was the only one who had the courage to speak to Monokuma, "Of course you would appear, hm?"

Monokuma clapped his hands together, everyone's PALs making a beeping noise. Jacob, Marco and Simon decided to take the bait and pull the devices out of their pockets. Monokuma had sent them a file listing information about this murder such as bruises on the victim's body, the time of death, and other useful information.

"Why so suddenly are you helping us, you didn't last time" Marco said.

Monokuma let his smile grow a bit as he covered the right half of his mouth, "I just feel you guys could use a little special guidance for this trial, I hope you like it! I'll see you at the trial" Monokuma said and with a long bow he raced past the students and around the corner.

Jacob began looking through his PAL, his finger scrolling through the information while Marco seemed to copy his movements, everyone else staying in their positions while considering what to do.

Soon enough, before Jacob and Marco finished, Lexi stood to her feet which caught everyone's attention immediately. She wiped her right eye lightly and began walking to the Control Room door.

"E-excuse me please" she said in a low tone towards Simon, "I-I want to try and investigate."

Simon hesitated at first, his eyes looking towards Marco and Jacob who both gave him a nod and so he moved away from the door. Lexi took a hold of the door knob and with a pull of her hand the door opened, her eyes staring into the red mess of the room but instead of turning away she kept staring.

"When I first found him, I lost where I was" she began saying.

Her right hand dug into her back pocket and she pulled out her PAL as to open the file she had obtained from Monokuma. Her finger began scrolling through the information.

"If this is right, Adam died sometime around one AM last night" Lexi began saying as she read the information, "it would seem that a bruise was made on the back of his head, and his head, arms and legs have what are identified as rope burns."

Lexi took a deep breath and stopped talking, so Jacob continued since he could tell it was troubling her to say it.

"The cause of death was, what is clearly shown, the row of spikes below him, but besides the rope burns, the bruise on his head, and the spikes entering his front half of his body, no other wounds were found on his body."

Jacob placed his PAL back into his pocket and stood behind Lexi, looking into the room personally as to examine the rooms inside.

Adam's body had been pushed into the spikes so much that the spikes below him were almost unseen. Adam's body had bits of rope tied around his neck, both wrists and both ankles but the ropes were cut off and the ends were over the floor.

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