Chapter 18 - The Trial To End All Trials

Start from the beginning

Jacob looked at the boy, but Adam's eyes were both stuck on spikes, his face also pushed into the spikes with the rest of his body.

The walls were scattered with blood which had squirted out when the spikes penetrated his body, and on the wall at the back were two arrows along with a third arrow on the floor behind Adam.

"We can't exactly get in the room so I guess this is the best we can do for now" Jacob said with a sigh being let out.

Lexi made a soft nod and after a few more minutes of staring she crept away from the door, "I can't look any longer, I'm sorry."

Jacob took a few more seconds looking at the corpse of Adam then followed after Lexi as he put his right hand on her right shoulder, "Don't worry about it, we'll do as much as we can and then when the trial comes around we'll avenge him alright?"

Lexi turned to face Jacob, his words getting Abby's attention too, and the two of them seemed to agree with their soft nods. Lexi then broke away from Jacob and headed down the hallway, most likely to head back to the dormitories.

"Today really didn't go as well as we were hoping, hm?" Simon said.

Jacob turned to him as he let out a shrug, "I guess not, but we need to deal with it anyway. I doubt Adam would let it get to him too much, right?"

Simon let off a little shrug but didn't answer as he continued to check his PAL.

Marco broke away from the wall he was at and came up to Jacob, "So is Carlos still in the Principles Office?"

"I think so, I last saw him there at least."

Marco walked past Jacob, Abby and Simon as to head for the fourth floor, Jacob grabbing onto his shoulder as to stop him a little, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to ask why he was even here to begin with, and why he's covered in what I think is Adam's blood."

Jacob let go of his shoulder, "Well I'm going to then, I'd like to know just as much as you."

"Well hurry then, we don't have time to discuss things."

Carlos was still buried under the desk, having sat back underneath it, but his bloody shirt was on the floor behind him as well as his pants. No wounds were noticeable on his body from where Jacob and Marco were standing at the doorway, and they refused to move closer.

Carlos met the two of them with a stare, but he didn't speak.

Marco was the first to decide to speak, "Why were you hear, Carlos?"

Carlos lowered his head a little and began shaking it side to side, "I-I don't know. I went to sleep in my room after dinner and I was here, I swear to you."

Marco rolled his head back lightly but relaxed it and focused on Carlos again, "Then why are you covered in blood?"

"I-I don't know" Carlos repeated, "I just woke up like this!"

Marco's fists clenched up, Jacob noticing this and grasping the boys shoulders but he was pushed away lightly.

"Marco, just don't try it, we'll work this out in the trial alright?"

"Adam was the reason we all started trusting each other, alright? I'm not letting this go away easily!"

"I know that, but getting angry is only going to cloud your judgment."

Marco slowly relaxed his hands and began walking out of the room as Jacob let out a sigh while Carlos tried standing up from under the desk.

"I-Is everyone seriously going to blame me...?" Carlos said.

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