"Use your words, witchy. We aren't mind-readers," Harry rolls his eyes.

"He wants the blood for Nestor," she emphasizes. "It's him, he's the one all of them want to wake."

"Oh my god..." I gasp out. I mean, I know we already knew about him, but now having an actual name attached to the monster?

"Great. And here I was hoping that he didn't even exist and this was all a hoax," Madeline complains.

"Wait, wait. Nestor? That's the powerful jackass that wants to kill us all?" Harry questions with a dirty look. "What the fuck kind of name is that? I expected something more spooky like Gargamel, or Lucifer..."

"Hold on...we need more," Nick reminds. "How many of you are there? We know it isn't just you that's been after the Beurling blood."

Louis does nothing but tauntingly snicker back in response, which only results in Harry picking up a stake from the floor and stabbing it through his tied down hands. I shriek and look away as he screams in agony again. How is Harry so nonchalant about doing this? I know the guy deserves it, but he's practically grinning ear to ear as he tortures him...

He pulls the stake from Louis's hand and arches an eyebrow, "Wanna try again?"

"T-There's a lot of people that want her blood for Nestor, I-I don't even think I can give you an exact number because I honestly don't know," he reveals. "The amount of people wanting to help Nestor has grown over time and it's still growing."

"Names would help."

"Screw you."

"Wait!" I yell when Harry lifts the wooden stake again. "Let me talk to him..." I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but I need to help somehow. I'm the one he wants the most so...maybe he'll answer to me more? Plus, I just couldn't handle seeing the torture again.

"Now's not the time for your heroics, princess-"

"No, let her," Nick interrupts him. "This was the plan, remember?"

He hesitates for a second before dropping the stake and moving from in front of me. I exhale a deep breath and try to ignore the tiny veins that start to crawl under Louis's eyes when I get closer to him.

Despite the obvious fact that he's completely restrained and can't hurt me, there's still that lurking thought that he could get to me anyway. When a sinister smirk starts to grow on his lips as he eyes me down, I almost change my mind and make a run for it out the door.

I shake off the anxieties and stand in front of him, but keep enough distance, "Do you have any family? Close friends? Anybody that you really care about?"

His smirk drops, confirming my question.

"Then you might know how it feels when you lose them," I try my best not to let my voice falter. "What you and your friends did to me, when you took the two people I cared about most away...you know how that feels, right? You've lost someone too?"

He still doesn't say anything, but it was enough of an answer. "So you know the pain...that is what you guys did to me. Not once, but twice. So the least you could do is tell me some names."

Lucinda [HS VAMPIRE FANFIC] ON HOLD + EDITING.Where stories live. Discover now