The escape

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Chapter 3

I had a knife and the radio up to my chest. My trembling fingers tried to make it work. I was in a full out panic attack trying to regain sanity but I realized I was to far deep in a horrifying mental state of mind. All of the sudden I heard gun shots and screaming. My first instinct was to flee, I grabbed my bag   and jumped out my window.

I was on the first floor up from the lobby so it did not hurt as much. When I hit the ground it was like a million little sparks flew through my body. I landed first on my feet them fell on the grass soon realizing I forgot about the deadly air so I covered my nose with my shirt.

I saw dead bodies lying on the ground still with shocked faces. I examined closely at one of the bodies it was a woman. She looked pregnant and had huge purple boils all over her face. Her skin was a pale green colour that looked like a piece of bark of a tree. All of the sudden I could of had a heart attack, the woman bursted up with her devil all black eyes with a tiny white dot in the middle.

I screamed and grabbed my knife and stabbed her in the throat. I quickly ran to I know of a safe place down this ravine. I started down the path watching out for the fallen branches; I had one hand covering my nose and the other holding out my sharpest knife. I came to the end and saw a very steep hill and decided to climb up it.

I grabbed a stick and started, I dug the stick deep in the ground so it could hold my weight. I almost fell down but was able to reagin balance. Looking up I saw I still had a very long way to go, one of the paths had a very deep path that looked a lot more difficult so I went up the other one. It was really muddy and my hands were covered in mud. I started falling for real and almost started tumbling down luckily before I fell to my death I grabbed a branch root and pulled myself up stoping where I was for a second before continuing, I finally made it to the top in once piece.

I had a clear vision of the rest of the city how could something like a terrifying threat to the human race be so mysterious and beautiful? There is something more than just a disease. The air it turns the victims into a zombie demon thing. All I kept thinking was why? I grabbed some sticks and grabbed a small flat rock to sharpen it if any demon things try to come.I never really thought that the apocalypse could actually happen guess I was wrong. I pulled out my phone and checked the time it was 4:00 pm and I was hungry because I really did not eat so I grabbed some bread I packed in my bag and ate a slice. Then I thought I should try to call someone like my grandparents! Yea!

I tried dialling their number but there was no answer I wonder how they are doing. Next person I thought of was Sierra. I dialled her number and she picked up

"OMG Sierra!!! Where are you?! You are alive! I am so scared right now!" I said probably sounding muffled under my shirt

"You are alive thank god! I am in my house hid AHHHHH-" She screamed and the line went out

"Sierra? SIERRA!! ARE YOU OK WHAT HAPPENED?" I yelled into the phone knowing I am pretty much not getting a response. There was a long pause for what seemed like forever

"I will find you... and when I do you can say goodbye and join us" Then the call just ended

"NO NO NOT SIERRA TO!" I yelled slamming my fists into the hard muddy ground then all of the sudden it stopped raining but the sky were still black with the green now brighter than ever. 

I just broke down and started crying not only because of what happened but just thinking of everything that has happened in my life. I sat up straight and held my knees to my chest staring at the wind blow that leaves of the trees. There were many different trees a lot of them did not have leaves. The world was still blurry from the crying. Now what? I can't stay up here until this all passes over. Can I?

All of the sudden I heard a giant explosion go off. It sounded like a bomb; not only there is a freaking zombie apocalypse but there is a war almost with bombs and guns. A bunch of trees went down and I heard voices. Smoke filled the air and I tried my best not to cough because I will show my location I quietly moved into the bushes hopping to camouflage in before the men with masks see me. I heard them talking but I could not exactly make out what they were saying. 

I think one said  "There is no one down here lets head back up" Then I saw a bird fly onto a branch and one of the guys got out his gun and shot it. Why must you be so cruel to nature and living things? They placed something down and started running up the hill. I did not know what it was there were a bunch of branches in my way. I moved out of the way and realized what it was… a bomb 

A lot happened in this chapter. The guys bombed the place leaving Alesa with it. What do you think will happen next? And what do you think so far of the chapter?? Hope you like the book so far :) 

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