Chapter 5

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Terra was walking through he streets of jump city. Suddenly she heard heavy footsteps running towards her. She turned to be face to face with a green bull. Terra gasped. She put a rock up to defend herself causing the bull's horns to go on the sides of her barley missing her arms. The bull transformed into a snake and trapped Terra. "Beast boy stop!" She said as he strangled her. He didn't respond. "Beast boy, I'm not gonna fight you." Terra said as she gave up. He strangled her until she became unconscious. He took her back to slades layer.
A few hours later.
Terra woke up she looked around and noticed she was restrained. She struggled to get out. "Don't bother. It doesn't let you use your powers." She heard beast boy say. "Beast boy?" He came out of the shadows in Slade armor. "What happened to you?" Terra asked staring into his eyes. He looked away from her. "Nothing. I feel great." He said turning away. "Get the information from her or she dies." Said Slade through beast boys comm. Beast boy sighed and tuned to Terra. "Where are they?" He asked. "I'll never tell you." Terra said. "Please ter, I don't want to hurt you." He said. "I won't say." I mumbled. "Hit her boy." Said Slade. "I can't." "DO IT OR SHE DIES!" Beast boy became upset. "I'm sorry." He said, as he picked up a crowbar. He went over to Terra. "Where are your friends!" Beast boy yelled. "They were your friends too." She responded. He glared at her and whacked her in the stomach. She groaned. "Tell me Terra!" He said. Terra stared at him. "I'd rather die." He looked at her and surprisingly to her he seemed sad. "Come to me son." Slade said into beast boys ear piece. "I loved you." Terra mumbled. Beast boy tuned, and stared at Terra. He then tuned back and walked to Slade. "Beast boy. She's getting close. She'll give in soon. I want you to electrocute her. Or she dies." "Okay." Beast boy said. He went back down to Terra. "Terra, where are the titans?" Beast boy asked. "I'll never tell you." She stated. "I'm sorry." He said as he shocked her. "Ahh!" Terra yelled. As she got shocked. "Stop!" She screamed. He stopped it. "Please tell me." Beast boy said. "Okay...okay... they're at the pizza place." Terra gasped out. Beast boy left. He found the titans he began to fight them. "Beat boy stop! We are your friends!" Said Starfire. "Bb stop!" Cyborg then said. He wounded all of them and they retreated. "They retreated master Slade." "It's okay my boy. I have a plan. Go break out cinder block overload and plasmas." Beast boy did what he was told. "Raven Robin and Starfire are at the mines." "Got it." Beast boy said as he went to the mines. He fought his friends. Wounding them all and taking them. He then found Cyborg. "Don't do this bb. Don't make me do this." Beast boy lunged at him claws extended for battle. He attacked Cyborg. Ripping his circuits. Causing him to not be able to move. "It's done Slade." "Good bring them back to me." He said. Beast boy brought them back. When he got back he saw Terra with a bloody nose and bruises everywhere. "Terra...what'd you do to her!" Beast boy said as he held Terra in his arms. Slade laughed a bit. "The same thing you did to your friends." Beast boy looked at the titans hurt. "No... what have I done..." he said. "I'll kill them." Slade threatened holding out the button that apparently blew them up. "Unless... you kill her." He said pointing to Terra. He looked at Terra in his arms as he saw the titans slowly get up. "Please beast boy it's me..." Terra pleaded. "I know." He said sadly. "Why are you doing this?" He sighed. "I have no choice ter." Terra sighed. "Please beast boy..." he closed his eyes. "Kill her or I will!" Slade said to beast boy. the titans circled around him. "Don't do it bb." Cyborg said sadly. "Or it'll be the last thing you do!" Robin threatened. He looked around as he saw Slade throw him a gun which he caught. Beast boy pointed the gun up. Terra looked at Terra. "I'm so sorry Terra. For everything." He said. She looked down readying for the bullet to kill her. She heard the gun go off, looked up and saw that beast boy shot the thing that would blow up the titans. It shattered. "No!" Slade said as the titans then attacked him. They ended up beating him and arresting him. And they went back to the tower and were a whole team again.

The end.
If you liked this story look at my one shot book for more bbterra and other ships. Requests are open!

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