Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cameron pulled his truck into the driveway, relief rivaling his disappointment when he saw that Julie wasn't home. He'd just grab the extension cord that he came for and head back out to work on the old house, thus avoiding having to face her after their disastrous outing the day before.

Why couldn't Garrett Bradley have passed by just two minutes later... or better yet, not at all? If he hadn't shown up when he had, then Cameron wouldn't be standing here now with his stomach in knots, worrying about the thoughts that may or may not be running through Julie Callahan's pretty little head.

Does she not realize what almost happened between us? Cameron wondered, rifling through the cabinets that lined the back wall of the garage. No, she had to have known. And even if she didn't, how could she have forgotten that dance? Hell, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! Cameron slammed the door of one cabinet and started on the next, tossing the contents carelessly onto the floor as he continued his search. Or maybe she's just pretending to have forgotten about it?

Cameron slammed the second cabinet door and started on the third, hating the uncertainty of it all and cursing Garrett Bradley for his role in it. And where in the hell was that goddamn extension cord?

Maybe she's not home yet because she's avoiding me, Cameron considered, allowing another box to fall to the floor. Maybe she wants to let it die down, pretend that yesterday never happened. Hell, maybe she's out with Garrett right now!

"Fuck," Cameron breathed, raking a hand through his hair. Just the thought of it made him sick to his stomach.

"Rough day?"

Cameron whirled around to find Julie standing at the open door of the garage, her hair spilling loose and free down over the shoulders of her Sub Shack t-shirt. Her lips tipped up in a reticent smile, instantly tempering his frustration. Cam shook his head and gave her an apologetic smile.

"No, just can't find my other extension cord, that's all," he said.

"Oh," she nodded, and then her eyebrows drew together. "Is... that it?"

She pointed to the side wall of the garage, where the blaze orange cord hung neatly from a hook on the wall. Cam hung his head and reached out to snatch the cord from the wall.

"Thanks," he murmured, feeling more than a bit ridiculous. "Good thing it didn't have teeth, huh?"

Julie snickered and took a step inside the garage, which Cameron took as a good sign.

"You okay?" he asked, twisting the extension cord in his hands. "After yesterday, I mean."

"Yeah, I guess so," she said. "Cameron, I am so sorry about what happened at the reception."

Which part? he wanted to ask, but didn't.

"Don't be sorry," he said instead. "That must have been quite a shock, having your Ex ambush you like that, after so many years. You don't need to apologize."

"Well... thank you. For what it's worth, I had a really nice time."

Cam felt the tension in his muscles relax just a bit. "Good. I'm glad. Hey, where's Finn?"

"Oh! He went with Becca to pick up her kids at their grandmother's house, and then we're all going out for pizza. I just came home to shower and change."

Cameron nodded slowly. "Did you tell Becca about Garrett?"

"I did, actually," she admitted, and then rolled her eyes and smiled. "She thinks I should call and shake him down for back child support."

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