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Bellamy closed his eyes and breathed deep; his head still on Echo's lap, she had pulled him free form his helmet as oxygen started following through the vents. They lay still and recovered their strength for a long time before Raven finally hauled herself to her feet. Of course, Raven was the first to move. She was always pushing forward, she was a survivor. Always.

"We need to start the water reclamation and the algae farm" she said, heading down the hallway to the control room. Monty helped Harper to her feet and they followed her. Bellamy got to his feet, the room spun for a moment. He was still feeling the effects of oxygen deprivation, but it passed quickly. He started to follow the others until Murphy caught his arm.

"Leave the nerd stuff to them" he jutted his chin towards the hallway. "We can start unloading the rations."

Bellamy hated to admit it, but he was right. They would probably just be in the way, Monty and Raven could handle those tasks together.

Echo, Bellamy, Emori and Murphy carried the supplies to a commons area. Murphy passed out cups of water and MREs to everyone. "I'm fine, Murphy. But... thanks" Raven casually refused.

"Eat, Raven." He insisted "We won't make it up here without you. We need you at your best"

She caved, but refused to leave the control room.

Echo stood at a large viewing window, staring down at the deep orange glow of Earth.

"It used to be a whole lot prettier" Bellamy said, causing Echo to start.

"In 5 years it will again... won't it?" She asked, placing her hand on the glass lightly.

"So says Raven" Bellamy chuckled. "And she hasn't been wrong yet."

Echo's face was drawn and pale.

"Are you OK?" He asked.

"I feel strange."

Bellamy led her to the seats, Emori was sitting there with her head in hands.

"It's probably the artificial gravity." Harper said as she entered the room. She was began to feel like she was in the way in the control room, so she joined the others. "You'll get used to it. We felt a little strange when we first got to Earth."

Bellamy walked the corridors, looking through the living quarters of the better half of the Arks population.

"So this is where you used to live?" It was Echo's turn to startle Bellamy.

"Jeez!" Bellamy whipped around with a fright. Echo smirked. "Not exactly, this is where the leaders and the higher ranking people lived. I lived in one room with my mom and my sister."

"I thought you were a leader amongst your people" Echo puzzled. "They treat you like you are."

"Well... Sometimes. Maybe. But up here I wasn't, I was just another nobody up here."

Echo touched her hand to her head and closed her eyes half way.

"The light hurts." She said, trying to look up at the fluorescent tubes above them.

Bellamy moved the touch panel by the door and slide a dial down; dimming the lights in the room. "Is that better?" He asked. Echo smiled and looked around, bewildered and amused. She tapped the panel and watched as the words and imagines on the screen change.

"Why don't you take this room?" Bellamy asked. "There's a nice bed and there's clothes in the closet that might just fit you. And you'll have your own bathroom."

"Thank you" Echo said, making her way to the bed and trailing her fingers over the sheets.

"I'll show you how everything works in the morning." Bellamy said, Echo nodded gratefully before Bellamy turned and left.

Monty and Harper passed him in the hall, hand-in-hand.

"Water reclamation is up and running!" He stated proudly. "Hot showers all 'round!"

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