I was super excited just because not only Danielle would be back, but Sam was coming too. There was only three more full days left until I had to head back home, but I wanted it to last forever. The experience had been everything I ever imagined. 

From hanging out with the boys (especially Zayn) and the girls, to being at every concert and seeing them fulfill their dream, to sightseeing and experiencing things I would never forget. 

“What are you going to wear?” Eleanor asked a while later as we watched the English version of Jersey Shore.

“Nothing that they’re wearing” I said pointing to the TV were a very tanned and skinny girl with huge assets drunkenly made her way down a street wearing super short shorts and a tube top that showed off her boobs way too much. 

“No, of course not!” Eleanor giggled.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t have many dresses.” I shrugged. I was just going to wear one of the dresses I had already worn.

“Well you’re not wearing the ones you’ve already worn. Especially today since it’s gonna be your first kiss with Zayn.” She said.

“How the heck do you know that?” I blushed.

“Oh, we all know. Come on! You guys never kiss, at all. So we figured.”

“How embarrassing!” 

“Don’t be!” 

“Oh my.” I sighed.

“Wait here.” She said before sprinting to her bed and pulling out her suitcase. She pulled out a pink, sleeveless, swing dress with a round neckline and a seam stitch bodice. 

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Wear it. It’s new.” She smiled.

“I can’t! It’s yours!” I explained.

“Oh no. Actually Danielle and I picked it out for you the other day while shopping. So it’s a gift.” She smiled again.

“For what?” 

“For being our friend.”

“Oh. Thanks!”

“Now go put it on!”

“Isn’t it too early for me to wear it?” I asked as I looked at the clock.

“Early? It’s 6:30! The boys will be back any second. And, we still have make up to put. So go on. Try it on.” She rushed me.

I got out of my baggy clothes and put it on. It actually looked good. 

“Perfect.” El grinned as she inspected the outfit. “Now come on. I’ve got to fix the hair and put the make up on.”

Without a word, I followed her into the bathroom where a bunch of cosmetics called my name.

Twenty minutes later and I was ready. Eleanor gave me the thumbs up in approval and I smiled. 

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted our thoughts. El opened it to find Niall, Harry and Louis with monster masks on their faces.

Eleanor broke into a scream while I just laughed.

She ran towards me in full speed, managing to knock us both on the floor.

“Dammit!” I yelled in pain.

She grabbed hold of my arm and wouldn’t let go.

“El, it’s just the boys let go.” I tried pulling but she wouldn’t budge.

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