“Will they like the Barney ones too?” I replied with a smirk.

“Fine!” His smile faded and he uncrossed his arms. “I’m sorry Eleanor.”

“Accepted.” Eleanor smiled.

She put the curler down and wiggled across the bathroom to give Harry a hug.

He hesitated at first before finally giving up and hugging her back.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Eleanor smiled as she let him go. 

“Yeah, sure.” Harry said, still slightly unamused.

“I’ll make it up to you too. How about you make some plans and surprise Louis tomorrow.” She commented. It instantly worked for Harry let out a smile.

“How so?”

“Just make some plans. I’ll take him to the location and then you can surprise him then. Does that sound good?” She asked.

“Brilliant!” He clapped his hands in amusement. 

“See! No need to be all grouchy about something that could be so easy solved.” I explained as I stood from the chair and stretched.

“Hey! She owed me. Taking away my boo bear.” He crossed his arms again.

“Harry Styles say one more grouchy thing and I swear I will make your life miserable.” I threatened.

I could hear Niall ‘oooh’ in the living room. 

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I was just kidding. Geez. Mean American.” He chuckled as he walked away.

Feeling frustrated I ran towards him. Upon hearing my steps, he looked back and started sprinting around the room too.

“I could catch him for you. I just need some pizza.” Niall commented.

“Niall, you selfish leprechaun.” Eleanor tugged his ear.

“Oi! I’m eating here!” He said through a full mouth.

“I can see, you’re spilling all of it everywhere.” Eleanor chuckled and backed away. 

“Don’t mess with my food.” Niall warned.

“Gosh, what’s up everyone’s butts today?” I added.

“Did you say ‘gosh’? That’s so American.” Harry laughed.

“Well excuse me for having an American accent and not a sexy English or Irish one like you guys.” 

“Talk about grouchy.” Niall explained.

“Ugh!” I raised my arms up in defeat.

“I’m going to our hotel room El. The boys are driving me crazy.” I added.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” She walked toward me. Harry and Niall followed behind.

“No. No. No. Boys are not allowed for the next two hours so stay here and eat, sleep or whatever you want but don’t come to our room until exactly two hours, alright?!” I was already feeling exhausted. 

“But, but we love you.” Harry pouted.

“Which is why you’re staying here.” I pointed to the floor of the room.

“Stay mate. Ellie’s got to get ready for her big night. Right El?” Niall winked.

I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks, turning them to a slight pink shade. 

Without another word, I rushed to the door, Eleanor behind me, and left to the comforts of the girl’s hotel room. Well, more like Eleanor’s and my room. Danielle would stay with Liam because she would leave and come back due to her dancing. Right now, she was in London practicing for a gig but she was going to be back tomorrow. 

Lost & Found // Z.M.Where stories live. Discover now