Chapter 1

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Tessa's Pov
Today marks one week since Chance and I became 'just friends' once again. Except from this time it isn't 'just friends  (wink emoji inserted)' it's more like 'just friends, and only friends'.

I felt lonely and depressed just sitting in my room all day; flicking through instagram and seeing Chance with other girls parting every single night. It's almost as if he has forgotten that I exist. Almost like I am just an after thought...

*knock knock*

I heard the a gentle knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked, I am weak voice.
"It's me." A voice responded.

I could clearly tell it was Chance. I could recognise that voice from a mile off. But, why would he want to talk to me? I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind, wiped my face- which was wet from crying -on the back on my sleeve and went of to open the door.

As I began to turn the handle I heard another voice.

"Come here Chancey." I heard it say.

I immediately stoped turning the handle. Myheart sunk. It was a girl, but not just any girl, it was Alex. God I hate her and now she is in my house. Today is just great.

"Go away!" I half shouted the door.
"Wait! Tessa I can explain!" I heard Chance plead through the door.
"I said..  GO AWAY!" I shouted back at him.

I slouched down against the wall and began to cry like I had never cried before. I would never be happy. After all I was just an after thought...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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