A life of sorrows (Chapter 2)

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The hot morning sun was entering the small bedroom. Sunlight was falling straight on her face when she opened her eyes and looked around. The thought of her being alone once again was as bitter as the taste in her mouth. The events from last night were waking un in her mind and a shiver went up her spine. Terry had shown a violent temper, when she was pushing the right buttons, so she had to remember not to go that far again.

She felt a dull pain on her cheek and brought her hand to her face. Her left cheek was tender under her touch. She grabbed a mirror that lay on the bedside table and looked at a large bluish purple bruise that spread right along her cheek. She felt her blood starting boiling again.

"What a brute!! I should really teach him a lesson, he has to pay for this." Susanna thought.

And then despite the bright sunny morning, the room was as if it was full with a mist of melancholy. She had dreamed her life with Terry somewhat different. Him devoted on her side. But that wasn't going to happen, and she had come in terms with this. The acknowledgment had slowly turned her love for Terry into hate.

Yes, she hated him for ignoring her, for not being able to love her the way he loved Candy. For the thousandth time, she wondered what had Candy given him that she hadn't.

He has to pay

The thought turned inside her head, while she heard a knock at her door. An awful plan was taking shape in her mind when she answered.

"Come in".

The maid entered the room. "Good morning miss Susanna".


Terry lifted his head from his desk. He had an uncontrollable headache and was feeling awful. A fallen glass was still lying there next to him. Immediately he brought last night's events in his mind.

He had slapped Susanna!!!!!

He was always desperately in control of his actions towards her. This was not an excuse for raising his hand against her, but she had been a total bitch to him last night. Her words were different than before, full of hate; she taunted him, tested his limits like no other time.

Despite Terry's efforts to cheer her up, Susanna had transformed in the past six months from a quiet, polite, and rather melancholic young woman to a demanding, spoilt, bitter girl, and that girl happened to be his present wife.

His lips twisted into a bitter smile of surrender, it was more like a sigh. He felt totally defeated.

What would Candy think of his actions?

She would have been disappointed with him and the way he was facing the situation. Every time Terry felt he was getting out of control, he was bringing Candy's face to his mind, her big green innocent eyes, her bright genuine smile, how she never had said one bad thing for nobody. Painfully he was thinking their brief embrace at the stairs of the hospital, when she was running away from him like she was chased. And the tears running down her cheeks, when he thought she was watching him, performing drunk at this awful tent.

These mental images were always working for Terry; bringing him back every time from the edge of the abyss...

"Candy you see, you were once in your life wrong! I could never be happy without you, how could you wished me such a thing? I've done everything in my power to forget you, to pretend you never existed, you had never entered my life..." He kept talking to himself in silence.

"but you know something? You are always here, Candy!" he yelled out loud while hitting his head with the palm of his hand. He heard a noise outside his room. He had forgotten that he was in the theatre. The cleaning staff were on their morning shift.

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