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3edPerson pov:

Anti was a beautiful angel, he had stunning white wings and enchanted green eyes. He lived in a cabin in the woods, near the town of fallen, demons, and other angles. Now, he lives alone but sometimes he feels like he's being watched..

Right now, the angle was in his room, all dressed up in a pastel pink sweater and some black tight jeans. He was warring white boots that matched his innocent
Personality. His hair was to the side of his right eye as he looked in mirror but the best view of all, was his snow white wings.

He folded them neatly and walked out of his mint white room. He hummed along his hallway as his green eyes scanned the floor, thinking about something.

"Should I?" The angle murmured, walking to his kitchen.

He grabbed some strawberry milk and poured the milk into a cup. The green eyes angle then sipped it, smiling happily as he decided to go.

He put the milk away and finished his drink, walking to his living room and grabbed his phone. Immediately running to his bedroom to grab his flower crown.

"Almost forgot that!" He giggled to himself.

The angle ran to his front door and opened it, running out before locking it up. He ran along the path as his wings spread open and he finally began to fly, the sunset glow shimmered onto his perfect wings as he flew to the town not far from here.

After the sunset ended, anti was in the town. He looked around to see a lot of fallen Angles and very little angles, strange. The angle walked by a particular fallen angle who looked kinda cute, so being the antisocial angle he was, he just kept waking. Seriously.

He shivered slightly and wrapped his wings around himself, not knowing exactly where he was going but he promised himself to go to the town so here he is.

The greened eyed boy looked to see the beach, something his online friends told him about. He happily skipped the Sandy area and took off his boots, gently walking to the neon sparking water.

The boy sat down on the sand and laid back, slowly playing with his wings as he herd the waves move slowly. He closed his eyes and smiled softly, enjoying the waves ice cold feeling on his feet.

Suddenly, he herd someone yell, "hey kid! Get off our beach!" And again, beging the antisocial angle he was, he freaked out.

"O-okay...s-s-sorry.." the angle murmured, getting up and dusted the sand off his wings.

He walked shyly to the surface and put his boots back on, starting to walk off but suddenly, the fallen angle he saw earlier walked up to him.

"Why are you listening to them? This is a public beach y'know, fight back."
He had a deep voice.

Anti shyly bit his lip and nervously swayed. "I-..um..I don't know how.." he whispered.

The fallen nodded and smiled softly, "C'mon, I'll do it for ya." He took anti's hand gently and took him back to the beach.

The angle nervously looked at him then looked at the others who appear to be just children. The smaller looked off into the ocean and smiled softly, wiggling his hand free and walked into the water slightly.

The dark winged angle glared at the kids and smiled to show his sharp teeth, making the kids run back to lit up house near by. By now, the angle was already half way swimming.

"What's your name, darling?" Dark called out, taking off his shoes.

Anti blushed lightly at the name and turned around to look at him half way in the water. "Anti.."

The fallen angle was finally next to him, glancing at him then giggled lightly. The boy looked at him with a confused look, "What're you laughing about?"

"Your wings are a light shade of pink, I think it's adorable. That all, princess." Dark smiled, leaning back in the water.

Anti's face lit up with a pink glow as he moved to face the fallen, he blushed a faded hot pink. "W-what's your n-name... anyway..?" He muttered.

"Dark." He stated, moving a little closer to the angle.

The smaller felt strangely safe around dark, like he was a close friend. He was.

"Anti," dark started, grabbing the angles hands gently with his own. "Do you remember me?" He softly said.

Anti looked down at the water and nodded slowly, bitting his lip shyly as he looked up at him. His eyes shimmering slightly as he smiled. The angle hugged him tightly and whispered,

"Thought ya forgot about me, darky!" He said, fluttering his wings a little.

Dark hugged back and wrapped his wings around anti, holding him close. "How could I forget a gem like you, love?" He giggled.

The angle took off his flower crown and placed it on dark's head, the fallen just smiled. He'd fallen in love with this angle, it's just..he knows the bit doesn't love him back. The reason why he knows it

It's forbidden to love another male, punishment would be your wings change from snow white to Shadow black. But hey, at least he found the perfect boy.

"Dark, you okay?" The angle questioned, noticing he'd been staring off into the ocean water.

He shook his head and looked at anti, his heart getting faster as he nervously thought. "C-can I ask you question..?"

Now, anti being him, already knew what it was and what it was for so he paused, looking at his wings sadly. He already misses them as he leaned in a kissed the fallen softly, feeling lighter and more free.

The change way already there, his wings full Raven black as the fallen kissed back. Anti felt a little sad but he couldn't keep hiding his feelings, he couldn't risk loosing another chance to show dark what he really felt.

"Mh, dark, i-i..love you.." he said, moving his hand in the water gently.

"I love you too, princess.." he kissed his head and took the new fallen boy's hand, swimming to the surface.

Anti got out and walked to his shoes, getting them on before looking at his wings. "They seem still...what!?" He Yelled.

Dark walked beside him to see he had one white wings and on black wing, that's... that's not possible. It's obviously rare, not even that, more legendary.

"Darky...?" Anti said, holding his right wing.

Dark turned him around and kissed him softly, he held his waist and smiled. "My rare little clover.."

(A/N: 1137 words my dudes, aHhHhh- sorry, so how's your day/night? Mine was trashy as always but hopefully yours was good. I hope this was good, if not, I'm not surprised.)

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